I’m an infinite, all powerful god that knows everything that can be known. I made an order of angel whose jobs are to 1) spin around my face, forever telling me how awesome I am; and 2) be guards to the gates of my throne room, to keep the wayward demon or lost soul from sneaking in.
Are you really gonna tell me that chopping that teeeeeenny little bit of skin off the tip of your shlong is unreasonable?
Why did you create us with foreskin if you just want it removed?
It’s a test.
Wait till I tell ‘em what I’m gonna have ‘em do with their eyelids lol
Packaging for transport.
Jokes aside, fuck genital mutilation
Agree 100%. 🤜🤛
Well, fuck. Really hadn’t planned for that answer, tbh. Bit awkward, this.
… and I don’t like shellfish … so don’t eat that stuff
I got a killer headache from that mead one time so no alcohol for you!