So straight out the gate: I don’t ever really flirt (yes, even if I like the girl). And I’m not sure whether I should change strategies. So hence my question.
Note: I am a guy.
Edit: Thank you all for your input. I have come to the realisation I need to let the other party (better) know I am romantically interested in them. Either by means of flirtation or otherwise.
I feel like talking amicably just falls under being friendly by definition lol
But if I sign it off like this. That would MAKE the message pretty clear, right?
Yeah that’s a decent way to start. Giving compliments is a great way to flirt! Saying something like “That was a great conversation, you’re easy to talk to” might even be a bit more flirty without putting yourself that much further out.
Not really, I would take it at face value. Unless the person sent some really strong signals. And even then I would just do the conclusion that requires the least assumptions, which is just friend vibes.
But you can still be explicit afte the fact. I get is hard tho, since you have to be pretty vulnerable.
Eh, just say, “I’m trying to flirt with you. How’s it doing?”
And if she laughs, you’re in. If she does squirmy-squirm face, “Well, I had to try. Now let’s enjoy this awkward silence together.” And stare at the ground silently, but for no more than three seconds.
Never more than 3 seconds. Listen up guys, most important part!
Well, then it actually is awkward instead of a confident, “I saw this coming lol” silence.