Like, have you ever gone on a sugar fast for a couple days then drank some fruit juice? That shit hits HARD.
Probably just picking up a cat and hugging, and when your cat just rubs against you.
And also flying drones and imagine you are a bird soaring through the sky.
FPV would be best, but even just those normal drones where you use for photography is still fun to just zoom around your neighborhood.
I once flew like 4km from a nearby park. I also once forgot about the tailwind then stuggle to fight against the find to fly back so I lost the drone because it eventually ran out of battery, felt like I trying to land a passenger plane that’s running out of fuel lol
A surprise half day at work. Outside, it’s beautiful. Bonus if it goes into your weekend.
This might sound weird, but sleep deprivation. I know it’s unhealthy, I only did it when young, but it was a rush to not sleep reading or gaming all night, then go to work/school. My record was 72 hours awake (Friday to Sunday) and while my head was wonky, and sometimes I would get very mild shakes, it was a high feeling still in control.
I’ve only felt a similar rush while fasting for several days, but for me it was much harder not eating compared to not sleeping.
Eating a spicy meal that is at my max tolerance such that I can continue to eat as normal. I can get a high from that 🥵😋
Flying paragliders and paramotors. After I land and go home for the day I feel the happiest I have ever known.
Food coma
If you get good enough at playing guitar, especially acoustic, you can literally buzz. It’s only really apparent when you stop that you can feel that buzz fade away.
Getting challenged to a 1v1 in any video game and winning said 1v1.
Alternatively losing that same 1v1 can also be one of the most depressing ways to end an evening lol.
Fresh clear water when you’re alarmingly thirsty.
Its like wine on your wedding dayyyyy
gotta be at like 3 AM tho
good’ol fresh morning warm jizz
High ?
Reaching the cloud-base with a paraglider, especially in weak-days where you really need to fight to stay in the hair and fight for every meter of altitude
Being genuinely surprised by a joke that hits just right, and laughing so hard I tear up.
Being of use to someone else - something as simple as opening a door or something as hard as helping someone change a tire on the road. That karma is like a hit of the stuff I don’t do anymore.
The one I’m having now! I have hyperthymia and when I have flare ups of it those can last for several weeks or months. For those who don’t know what hyperthymia is it’s basically a constant state of mild mania.