"Then I left the room after this 20-minute conversation with only her. "
After joking about having kids together during this initial conversation, the two exchanged information and began dating. In January 2002, the couple tied the knot.
So it happens, it just helps if you’re tall and ginger.
Alan Alda famously met his wife at a party, where someone dropped a cake on the floor. He and she were the only two who didn’t hesitate to scoop some up anyway.
Conan O’Brian meeting his wife:
So it happens, it just helps if you’re tall and ginger.
Alan Alda famously met his wife at a party, where someone dropped a cake on the floor. He and she were the only two who didn’t hesitate to scoop some up anyway.
Step 1) don’t be ugly
Step 2) see step 1
Be affable
Be interesting
Be presentable
No one dreams about the guy they have to apologize for after you met them
Have you ever been on planet earth? That’s sadly false in many instances.
Exception to Rule 1: Be Conan Fucking O’Brian
I mean, Conan O’Brien isn’t exactly beautiful
Have you seen that hair though?
I mean, I would have his babies, and I’m a straight man!
“Don’t be ugly” is definitely helpful physically, but vital intelectually and emotionally.
i’m a 4 on a good day. Only dated once, she broke up with me, so I kinda accepted that I’m just not meant to have a partner.
1 year later I met a nice lady at a birthday party I wasn’t exactly invited to, we talked, yaddayadda, 12 years later we are still together.
For men:
No, you just have to be interesting to talk to, genial, and not look like complete shit.