The dude sucks but before you attribute this tweet to him:
This is a “fan” account. His official Twitter account is @Kash_Patel.
It’s telling of the fanbase but don’t go around showing this to people like it’s government communication or anything
Why is this post not moderated out? The title pretty clearly implies it’s Kash talking here.
But it’s got a blue check mark, that has a meaning!
Yes, that the account has paid Elon for a blue check. Originally it meant that the user was in fact who they appeared to be. Then it became a status symbol, then Twitter removed it on a couple of occasions for saying something they disagreed with, then came the accusations of Twitter admins being capricious about the whole process and essentially taking personal bribes in exchange for checks, then Elon bought it and made it a paid feature.
The grey check indicates the identity of an government or non-profit has been verified and the account is who it says it is.
Thank you. It’s also telling that we don’t doubt this at all because of how looney US politics are now, but it is important to know what’s true.
Yeah, I’m not accusing OP of it but I don’t want misinformation getting spread even if it’s “generally” correct
What is the real handle? Here is a @kash with a similar scam:
That’s a red check mark which means it’s on truth social. That one is probably him
It was fucked that government communication would ever occur through Twitter in the first place
Agreed. Everyone knows the only place for government communication is Truth Social!
It is indeed a rare bread that can withstand such pressure! My common bread gets completely smooshed just by the groceries shifting on the way home.
Those who did not get the vaccine because they were being strong are unwavering idiots. Some people didn’t get them because of fear and mistrust in the government or authority. Some people didn’t get them because bought-and-paid-for elected officials and propagandists were delivering the message without scientific credibility.
I do enjoy some breads undercooked.
“Unvaccinated people are rare bread”
[salivating in Bakery Enjoyer]
Can the people buried 6 feet underground hear this message?
Ship them off to Measles Texas and let’s see how they do.
Now they’re rare, soon to be extinct. Poor bread.
Being unvaccinated, they have to be careful not to get even more rare the next time an avoidable disease comes through. Like this measles outbreak.
oh they will continue to get more and more rare as the years go by…
Is this account real? Seems like an odd name.
He’s our newly appointed FBI Director.
Bread is the sht you throw at ducks to get them to fck off.
Or does he mean rare breed: A nickname for one’s friend at a multi-racial school, in which from the person’s complexion, it is clear that there is some “cream in the coffee.”
Don’t feed ducks or geese bread, it’s very bad for them.
That seems like a good reason to feed geese entire loaves of the stuff. Geese are fucking assholes.
No geese are geese, you’re the asshole for not understanding you’re the one fucking up nature not the goose doing goose stuff.
Yeah, well, the geese have it coming. They know what they did. At least branta canadensis, I don’t necessarily have anything against other species of goose.
Ducks are rapey as hell, but they haven’t done anything to me or mine in particular, so that’s between them and the other ducks.
So again nature being nature, we’re the problem everything has to work around.
Maybe he wants to be sandwiches between two antivaxxers?
Why are they so rare, I wonder… I’m sure it had nothing to do with any recent pandemics.
And getting more and more rare with each passing day.
His mind is rare bread: doughy and moldable.
Sure & the diseases love those rare breeds