For real. Most Americans have probably never even participated in a “buy nothing” day, much less a pocket book protest against a government.
I don’t see what’s wrong with starting with one day, letting people get used to the concept, then dialing up the frequency once word of mouth has spread.
pacified slave mentality.
i despise you all and will enjoy seeing this accomplish nothing.
i have no respect for slaves without will, you don’t deserve saving
For real. Most Americans have probably never even participated in a “buy nothing” day, much less a pocket book protest against a government.
I don’t see what’s wrong with starting with one day, letting people get used to the concept, then dialing up the frequency once word of mouth has spread.
pacified slave mentality.
i despise you all and will enjoy seeing this accomplish nothing.
i have no respect for slaves without will, you don’t deserve saving
Good, I’m hard, keep going
oh you’re getting kinky now?
You’re not supposed to enjoy this!
That’s a caning!
One day will do nothing. This is slacktivism. Every one of them is a useful fool for the fascists.