My question really, who is buying tesla’s these days, and is that even a noteworthy percentage of musks income these days.
Honestly it looks to me like musk is just adapting to leaching off the government anyway. Also throwing in the pivot of basically getting trump to commit to buying (Edit due to incorrect information:) Vehicles from tesla for military use. I mean yes absolutely don’t give him the extra stream of income… but, but I can’t help but feel this is rather toothless.
commit to buying military cybertrucks
I just want to be clear that they order was for armored Teslas in general, not specifically Cybertrucks.
Armored vehicles tend to be standard vehicles retrofitted with armor. This could mean any model of Tesla, not specifically the Cybertruck, especially since Musk already suspended Cybertruck production at the end of 2024.
I just keep seeing repeat that it’s going to be Cybertrucks but literally the evidence does not bear out it being Cybertrucks, especially since production of Cybertrucks was already suspended.
Also, assuming it’s a Cybertruck is literally buying into and re-enforcing the marketing of the Cybertruck being a powerful armored vehicle to begin with. We all know that’s not true.
Valid point, though still key point is… They are getting the US government to buy tesla’s… which helps take some of the load off needing consumers to buy them.
Yes, that is the main point, but we undermine the main point by making up bullshit.
Point is fair, edited my original comment. It’s not as much making up bullshit as attempting to interpret a vague order, and more or less giving it how most the media has interpreted it.
His government plundering income is on shaky ground, though, since he’s only there at the whims of Trump. Granted, Trump’s been willing to bow down to him so far, but it’s only been a month and allegiances change often in fashy world.
Serving at the whim of Trump means nothing after Musk has infiltrated and taken control of the payment methods the government use. He can turn on and off the flow of money as he pleases. Trump basically handed him all the power and is going to get bent over the oval office desk for it.
Honestly while none of us can know the full scenerios, IMO I think it’s more probable than not that some kind of mutually assured destruction is in place for both of them. IE both have commited enough crimes that, they could destroy eachother.
they will shift from buy/lease to uber/rent. likely priced to destroy competition, and bury the data on crashes and deaths and self-destruction, and the microphones and cameras are all bugged by a fascist regime. at any time it can kidnap you and take you somewhere that nobody but them can know.
My question really, who is buying tesla’s these days, and is that even a noteworthy percentage of musks income these days.
That’s a very good question honestly. For anyone that cares to get a rough estimate of purchase date/support before doing something rash (unlikely, but hey, as an owner from 2018 that doesn’t like any other reasonably affordable EV options and hates being associated with this dickbag)… Tesla switched from Chrome door handles and camera housings to Black (chrome delete was already by far the most popular aftermarket change, Tesla just started doing it themselves) around the Model Y launch in March 2019. So if you see a Tesla with Chrome handles and camera housings, it predates at least the recent Elon spiral into Fascism fueled by Ketamine™.
deleted by creator
Musk’s net worth is largely tied to Tesla’s market cap. Most of his wealth is in those shares
Make the brand extremely toxic and start affecting the share price. People are investing in the company not for logical reasons, but primarily emotional ones. People seeing mass anger and protest of Teslas hit the emotion part
What do you mean “adapting” he has never done anything but Leach off the govt. Tesla isn’t so much a car company as it is a carbon credits company that sells govt carbon credits to other car manufacturers. Other than that, SpaceX is basically fully funded by fed contracts and boring by state and municipal contracts.
Like the idea that he is even a decent businessman is a wild exaggeration. He’s been gaming the system and leaching off the taxpayers from the jump
Its not like he started Tesla or SpaceX anyway, they try to keep him as far away from operations as possible.
Why is the focus on musk? He’s not the root problem. Trump is the one who gave him power, even if m is removed, t will put another big donor in power.
You know how we “make an example” out of people who do things we don’t like?
We need to make an example out of billionaires that put up hundreds of millions of dollars to manipulate elections. Billionaires and big business should have no place in politics.
So the purpose is to change the law that allows unlimited donations? It’s kind of too late…. Do you not remember the inauguration photo of trump surrounded by billionaires? He doesn’t care about the law, no one can touch him. The us is a dictatorship now. The old way of thinking needs to change. We need new strategies.
Trump doesn’t care about his ratings. He doesn’t care about the protesters, and is waiting for things to get “out of control” so that he’ll enact martial law. T will keep giving billionaires taxpayer money, whether or not the citizens want him to, and whether or not the citizens are buying their products.
So the purpose is to change the law that allows unlimited donations?
That is not a law. That was a supreme court power grab. The law says donations are limited to $2000.
Hear me out. Tesla makes (or at least made) innovative cars, they persued their vision of electric vehicles and made EVs a commonplace option for the average consumer. They needed Musk’s capital to do that. They are still capable of doing great things… But not with Elon at the helm. The best thing we can do, even if you like your Model 3, or even your damn Cybertruck, is to get Elon out of Tesla.
That means boycotts. Don’t use their chargers, don’t rent or buy their cars, don’t subscribe to their full-self driving, and black them out on social media.
you’re a joke, tesla sucks and is made a joke by the Chinese.
All subsidised with billions and still failing in the world market.Yeah I got a tesla and still retain my stocks in tesla from years back. Ever since I realized how shitty Elon is, I haven’t bought any more. Though, I haven’t pulled out either because elon can be replaced, and I think the company is still capable of innovation.
I’m not really qualified to give stock advice, but from what I understand, Tesla’s stock price is seriously over-valued for what they produce, and a large chunk of it’s price is speculation on what Elon is going to do. When it becomes clear to even the dumbest investor that Elon is toxic, that shit is going to tumble fast. IMO, it’s a big wave that has to crash down at some point. Sell high.
Not a stock market expert though, talk to someone who knows their shit about it.
Nah probably. But at the time when I put money in them, no big name car manufacturer had an electric car to their name. Like it or not, Tesla lit a fire behind their asses. Even now, it might be overvalued, but It’s not like I’m investing more in the company, I’m in it to see how far it can get.
Lmao. Tesla made luxury vehicles.
Average consumer? Tesla never did that, they make sports cars.
Something like a Nissan leaf is far more affordable for the average person.
Even if Musk gets fired, he’ll still own a huge percentage of the stock. If the goal is to hurt his net worth, then the boycott shouldn’t end with his dismissal.
Agreed. He should be separated from shares (imho) before any person should feel good about helping out Tesla.
wow you are reeeeaaaal revolutionaries!
that will show them!And as Musk wreaks irreparable damage to his personal brand, Tesla sales are tanking, especially in Europe: In Germany, sales plunged by 59% in January, following Musk’s endorsement of the country’s far-right AfD party. They were also down 63% in France year-over-year, in January.
The EV-maker’s net income in the fourth quarter of 2024 fell 71% from the same time in the previous year […]
You love to see it.
May we also boycott oxygen from entering his lungs - would yield much quicker results
He needs the ultimate flushie, where nobody lets him come back up for air.
Focus on millionaires. Not just musk
Focus on all billionaires. Not just Musk.
FTFYWhy set the bar too high?
I’m trying to stay more realistic.
Anyone at shy above 1 million USD living in the US is having a live that’s closer to the average person than it is to a billionaire let alone Musk.Yep and for those who have a million dollars most of those people have that money locked away in a retirement fund that they plan on using to retire off at 65/70 instead of buying yachts. That isn’t a lot of money to retire off of. It will buy you a pretty minimalist lifestyle bearing all healthcare considerations
Apparently, it’s about 18% of households.
And that’s why it’s harder to get support for such an approach, while support for taxing billionaires should be available in abundance.
Yes. I like what I think is Bernie’s idea. The sentiment is basically do everything possible to tax all income and assets over one billion. Tell those crying for billionaires to shut up because surely people can live on assets of $999,999,999.00.
Maybe readjust for inflation every decade or so. Even if it got negotiated down to something like a cap of 5 billion or 10 billion, this would still be good for America. Someone with assets like Elon, and Bezos and Zuck, etc. should not even exist, even if most of those assets are supposedly “only” on paper. Surely, though, being someone with just under a billion or just under 5 or just under 10 should provide enough “motivation” for all the future supposed “job-creators” that we always hear so much about.
Surely, having 999 million is better than whatever they started with and we should all acknowledge they didn’t make all that themselves. They have a huge working government (or they did at one point, we’ll see what we are left with after Bronzo the Clown is done) that helped them, along with many, many workers making that money. They should show GRATITUDE for that by helping to further sustain that system, not just leech from it and be able to buy politicians that actively work to make it worse for those not in the billionaire class.
And much of that is the value of the home they live in and pension funds.
I’d wager most millionaires don’t even know they’re millionaires.
Million? That’s like 2 houses or a small truckload of eggs.
Are you joking? If you own 2 houses or are buying truckloads of eggs, we definitely need to redistribute your wealth.
And probably criminal charges too
no no, two houses OR a truckload of eggs, I don’t have either, I’m just sayin a million don’t go as far as it used to.
As a current Tesla owner, can I just say that I bought my car long before this man went (fully) off the rails. Selling my car won’t hurt him, only myself. Please don’t view my car as support for this piece of shit.
If I see anyone driving a Tesla they’re a piece of shit to me. Stop making excuses and get rid of it. If you own a Tesla you’re not struggling, you can take the loss.
How is he going to sell it if nobody will buy it?
I’ll trade mine in for whatever I can get. Not selling private party because I prefer not doing business with nazis.
So you’re willing to take a significant financial hit for yourself and your family in hopes of costing that asshole a few of his hundreds of billions of dollars? Sounds like you’re doing pretty well for yourself, but unfortunately, that’s not an option for everyone. More power to you though.
The value has dropped significantly. It’s only worth about $13k now.
Seems like you’re going to lose out. Since the value of the car is so tightly coupled to Musk, somebody buying your car for cheap now could make a lot of money selling it off later. The ruthless win, as always.
I’d rather crush it than sell to a Nazi. Or maybe I have a friend put the tesla guts in an RV.
Scrap probably has some value.
Alternatively, make money off a YouTube video of blowing it up
You’re probably one of the people who dumped all their Bud Light that they already purchased after the trans can issue.
Or one of the people who burned all their Nike apparel that they already purchased after that one dude kneeled.
Or one of the people who smashed their satellite radio equipment that they already purchased after one of the price hikes.
I say to you: put up or shut up. Either bond out the money so that OP has enough money to buy a compatible EV (INCLUDING charging network) after selling their Tesla or STFU.
I know which one this keyboard warrior is going to pick.
I don’t buy Bud Light because I drink real beer and I’m not a fucking American bozo.
I don’t buy Nike because they support Israel.
Why the fuck am I gonna buy OP a car? I use public transport.
Have fun winning arguments with the made up characters in your head. I’m gonna keep flipping off Tesla drivers.
For not being an American bozo, you’re being a bit of a prick.
Maybe… But he has a point
Thanks for the giant red flag as to why People should block you.
May I suggest a bumper sticker indicating you don’t support him or the company any longer?
The irony is that it might then be a car with the potential to piss off two groups - the group that thinks the sticker is not really enough (and I’m sure they exist), and those that are pissed that someone shows they don’t show enough support for fElon and by proxy, the magats.
Not that I have any answers. I’m just glad I’m not in a similar predicament. I was definitely eyeing Teslas before I knew what a fascist fElon is. Could have happened to nearly anyone, it seems.
The irony is that it might then be a car with the potential to piss off two groups
I get why people don’t want to piss off some of the maga people. they do seem a bit snowflake-y and overly armed but at the same time not expressing yourself due to this fear is giving them more power than they deserve.
I think a lot of them are cowards are likely to just mess with the car and/or the property it’s on.
We got ours just a week or two before seeing him for what he is. It sucks and we can’t afford to ditch the car.
I really think the people that work at Tesla have done a great job making a very affordable car that works well. I can only imagine that the disgust I feel towards the asshat and to the association with this car pales in comparison to what the people who designed and built it feel. 120,000 people work for Tesla.
I don’t see how, but it’d be better if we could separate the 13% shareholding asshat from the company rather than destroy it. It’s a shitty situation.
edit: by ‘affordable’ I’m looking at total cost of owership, which was significantly less than a new Prius. Also, I’m in a snowbelt, used cars are a bad idea here. (can ya feel the defensiveness?, ug)
As a current owner that can’t financially walk away for another 2 or so months at best, what sticker is best?
I’m also going to replace the emblems that are removable with Luigi logos and add bear resist stickers but…I dunno.
Thing is, any damage done could potentially lengthen the time until I can exit.
Fuck Elon. I hope he gets cancer.
There’s lots of “I bought this before I knew he was crazy” variants out there.
But if you’re really committed and want to design something unique, I’ll laser engrave it on something for you for free. I can do plastics, wood, and metal that can be attached with glue or magnets. Or I can laze a template for you if you’d like to paint it on.
I think any expression of regret works as an anti-Swasticar marking
Selling my car won’t hurt him, only myself.
How would selling your car hurt you? Would you not be able to get a different vehicle?
How big do you suppose the market is for a used Tesla right now? How big a bath do you think he’d have to take to sell it?
That said, ONLY remembering there are people in this boat keeps me from making rude gestures at Tesla drivers (esp cybertrucks) these days.
Vehicle valuation is not a guarantee and it could be difficult to sell the Nazi-mobile but personally i’d rather sell than be seen in anything related to Nazis.
Vehicle valuation is not a guarantee
And that’s great, but this is the question you asked:
How would selling your car hurt you?
So it’s the question I answered.
it could be difficult to sell the Nazi-mobile but personally i’d rather sell than be seen in anything related to Nazis.
How wonderful for you that you would make a different decision than that other person who is not you and has entirely different circumstances in their life.
Other models? Absolutely. Cybertruck? No, fuck those people. Elon was full mask-off fascist by the time deliveries started.
Does that work for the timing of pre-orders too? (I truly don’t know.)
The “pre-orders” weren’t pre-orders. They didn’t secure a VIN, were zero commitment, and were fully refundable at any time. You were literally just giving Tesla a free loan of $100 to say “I might buy one of these”.
If someone graffittis my 6 year old car, I’m not going to get mad about it. It sucks, but I can’t exactly blame them. Rivian R3X can’t get here soon enough. But I think I won’t be able to wait that long.
I get that and it could happen to any brand (CEO has views that people don’t agree with - although this case is extreme).
Look at Bud Light / Nike / etc.
Destroying something you already own isn’t going to affect Elon; it’s going to affect someone that’s just trying to get by.
But if someone else buys used and not new, it still lowers direct sales for Tesla.
Same. I’m definitely one-and-done with my Tesla, but I should be able to get another good 5+ years out of it before I get rid of it.
A lot of people are in your position, and I sympathize. I will readily judge owners of new Tesla vehicles, but owners of older models are plausibly victims just as much as the rest of us.
Easiest of all to spot will be the new generation Model Y coming out this month, which have a unique single light-bar on the front, which looks like the Cybertruck.
He has been since 1999 is the rub.
so you might have been grifted, but your actions affect other people. your car is a spy mobile that sucks up innocent bystanders’ data without their consent. and yeah, maybe do research before supporting a company, like how Cocacola did business with Hitler - but even that ignorant at best $2 purchase doesn’t negatively affect everyone else to the extent your car does
How old is it? It might be a good idea to ditch it before it becomes an even bigger liability. Teslas don’t last over 10 years without dropping large sums of cash into them.
Technically the used market value can negatively affect the new market value of a brand. More people selling Tesla at lower price means people looking to buy are more tempted with used than new, and those buying new see the value decrease more off the lot.
Tesla is done anyway, they desperately need to cheat with tarrifs and rules to keep moderately competing with the Chinese.
And even then they are of far lesser quality and more expensive.
The billions in subsidies this clown has gotten for his cars he is now getting in bigger quantities as a military contractor.
Starlink and SpaceX are getting massive government contracts.
This can only help some of these protesters conscience, as if they’re doing something.If you weren’t already boycotting everything Elon touches what the fuck is wrong with you?
Better late than never, I say. Better to praise new good behavior than complain about the delay!
Right, the best time was yesterday. Today is the second best time but it’s better than nothing.
Does it count as boycotting if you could never afford it in the first place?
just makes the boycotting that much easier.
Better than nothing, but not good enough. Please visit your local government buildings and get involved. Not buying Teslas won’t make a difference like actual difference-making will.
TSLA down 7.27 (2.15%) today. I’ll check tomorrow and hope for this to become a trend.
Be sure to share this on Twitter! Keep using his platform, guys!
The showrooms are still standing, so I don’t think the Yankees are protesting hard enough.
They should call the French.
Somebody already shot one up and left a note.
Considering the number of “the French give up” jokes made by Americans I find it hilarious that Americans won’t even try in the first place. I know who the real losers are.
Well…If the French hadnt assisted the Americans in their revolution, the English would have kept them as a colony and we wouldnt all be in this mess right now.
We also shouldn’t have sold Louisiana to them.
Louisianan here… I’m working on my French language skills… if y’all want to invade and take it back, not gonna lie we’ve got some problems (red state).
Later: “Due to the struggling stock market and their essential nature to the economy, we have no choice but to bail out Tesla Motors.”