Better off to die fighting for humanity, not “the other white…” rich politicians. The america before Trump wasn’t one I wanted to live for either.
This war was going on before Obama and Bush. It’s more fundamental than left and right politics. It’s a mass social existential crisis in a nation that was taught to consume as a way to escape the reality of life as a human being. There is no saviour to run to. We’ve wasted so much time putting blind faith into mainstream pop politicians that live for “the game” and not humanity.
…except maybe Bernie.
Bernie endorsed Kamala because he’s an adult that understands accelerationism is something only idiots that have never read a history book think will bring progress.
You’re getting accelerationism whether you think it’s dangerous or not, you better gear up and train.
Well now we are. Train for the thunder dome as that is the new law.
Again read a history book. After whatever collapse you’re hoping for happens, things will be built back to be similar to how it was before.
What a stupid response.
Me telling you that American fascism is coming for your throat is not “hoping for collapse”
I don’t think you know what the word “accelerationist” means.
Oh no please politics understander tell me what that means please
I agree with this, but it seems to be more of a far-right nazi issue. In Germany, it was again the young, white men that turned nazi that almost won the nazis the election. Let that sink in. The nazis almost won an election in Germany. Here, we have the same issues, but with gerrymandering, voter suppression and swing state election officials cheating occasionally. It’s our young white men that have a ton of energy, want to see change, and have lost their way when looking for someone to help them do that, that are our biggest threat.
Edit: I forgot to add the link to the Germany voters:
21% of Young people voted for the AfD. They got 20,8% in total. Thats not a significant increase. The cohort of 35-49 year-olds turned out stronger for the AfD.
The largest voting disparity is in the working class. 37% of workers voted for a party that would crush them.
Democrats do anything but take accountability for their mistakes any% Speedrun challenge (impossible).
Jokes aside at what point do you stop pointing the finger at everyone else and recognize that you just fucked up? Political parties aren’t owed votes. They have to earn votes.
The Democrats failed to earn enough votes against Trump TWICE.
I don’t even wanna hear some shit about it being a rigged election or anything. The right was screaming about 2020 being rigged for 4 years and y’all kept telling them it was ridiculous and they just need to suck it up because they lost.
The Democrats will lose again in 2028 if they do not make serious changes up and down their party.
Jokes aside at what point do you stop pointing the finger at everyone else and recognize that you just fucked up? Political parties aren’t owed votes. They have to earn votes.
Thanks, I love hearing that my existence has to be earned.
Your existence? The fuck are you talking about?
I’m talking about the stupid meme and Democrats once again pointing fingers everywhere else instead of looking in a fuckin mirror.
If you (the Democrats) want to win a political race you have earn the votes from the people. They have failed to do so now multiple times.
At some point you can’t keep pointing the finger elsewhere and you have to accept that you didn’t convince enough people that you were the better option.
They need to take some responsibility instead of playing professional victims all the damn time. I’m sick of it.
Hard agree
Your existence? The fuck are you talking about?
You miss the whole fascist shebang that got setup this past month or so? We’re looking at starving the poor and Healing-Through-‘Labor’ camps for the mentally ill. Our LGBT brothers and sisters are in even more danger.
If you (the Democrats) want to win a political race you have earn the votes from the people. They have failed to do so now multiple times.
Yeah, if our thinking is just that this is team sports, or a popularity contest, that’s valid.
It’s not.
Talking about how it’s the Dem party’s fault for not ‘earning’ votes ignores that elections are matters in which the people decide their own governance. “The Dems aren’t flashy enough, I’m going to let minorities get murdered” is a choice made by every eligible voter who protest-voted or didn’t vote - and, of course, every fascist bootlicker who voted GOP. And those are the only votes which were available to be ‘earned’.
The Dems lost. The Dems are also immensely incompetent, and most of the party’s leaders at this point should probably be sent to the career-equivalent of a guillotine. But the core reason the Dems lost is because the American electorate consists of a supermajority of fascists, and fascist supporters.
You can try to excuse the electorate by accusing the Dems of pointing the finger at ‘everyone else’, but ‘everyone else’ literally is culpable in this fucking disaster as well.
They need to take some responsibility instead of playing professional victims all the damn time. I’m sick of it.
Deeply ironic.
The Dems lost. The Dems are also immensely incompetent, and most of the party’s leaders at this point should probably be sent to the career-equivalent of a guillotine. But the core reason the Dems lost is because the American electorate consists of a supermajority of fascists, and fascist supporters.
You were so close to getting the point and then you went and fucked it up right at the end.
I hate to break it to you but the “supermajority” of Americans are not fascists. They are simply sick of the Democrats bullshit.
I hate to break it to you but the “supermajority” of Americans are not fascists. They are simply sick of the Democrats bullshit.
“We’re sick of gutless politicians proposing moderate policy in-line with what their base continually elects in the primaries, so we’re going to give fascists the go-ahead to kill minorities.”
Very responsible citizenship. Very moral behavior. Not fascist at all. Thanks bunches.
I don’t always agree with your views on trans people, Pug, but sometimes you make a great point. Keep on fighting the good fight.
Hey I didn’t vote for the Cheeto either. I’m just not sitting here bitching about why the Dems lost by blaming everything else except the Democratic party themselves.
Hey I didn’t vote for the Cheeto either.
I hope by that you mean that you voted for the only other viable option, because otherwise, that’s a vote for fascism in our system.
I’m just not sitting here bitching about why the Dems lost by blaming everything else except the Democratic party themselves.
Man, all up and down Lemmy the Dems have been blamed, both before and after the election results. The election happened. It’s over. The results are in. That means we have to square with the fact that, whatever the strengths or weaknesses, or the sins or stupidity, of the Dem Party, the result of the election was that a supermajority of the US population gave the green light to murder as many minorities as possible, and save as few as possible.
The Dems didn’t fumble a football. The Dems didn’t miss a layup shot. This wasn’t a game we ‘gave’ to the Democrats, our aristocratic overlords, to play on our behalf. It was an election, in which we, the electorate, cast our votes. The electorate, en masse - over 2/3s - said “The Dems haven’t earned my vote, so marginalized demographics can go get fucked.”
That’s what I said from the start, and you objected to.
The electorate doesn’t care about fascism - if the blue-colored circus isn’t entertaining enough, if the blue circus doesn’t ‘earn’ my existence, the electorate says I die. If the blue circus isn’t entertaining enough, the electorate says they don’t mind seeing fascism murder a few minorities. Maybe it’ll convince the blue circus to be more entertaining next time.
My existence has to be earned.
Well if listening to “the base” voting for moderate politics loses elections maybe they should stop doing that lol
Well if listening to “the base” voting for moderate politics loses elections maybe they should stop doing that lol
“Stop having primaries” is an interesting take.
I’m talking about the stupid meme and Democrats once again pointing fingers everywhere else instead of looking in a fuckin mirror.
If you (the Democrats) want to win a political race you have earn the votes from the people.
Fuck that shit. With the stakes that high and threat to society that clear, even a bag of shit should have won against Trump. A bag of shit in the oval office wouldn’t do this, and that—not a flashy campaign—is all anyone would need to know to make a clear decision.
We fucked up. Fuck people. We got the government & leadership we deserve.
No, we didn’t lol. The Democrats did lol.
Blaming the democrats doesn’t absolve the people of responsibility. Contrary to what some may think, eligible voters can think & understand their choices. We’d seen his gimmick before & how he operates. Those who voted for him & those who didn’t vote against him did so regardless of the consequences while having every reason to know what that would mean. They’re as responsible as anyone.
No, I am not. But you can keep saying so if it makes you feel better to blame me instead of your leaders.
So, you’re not responsible for your choices? Are you a child or incapable to predict the consequences of your decisions?
You are right, a bag of shit should have won against Trump. But somehow the Democratic leadership was still able to mess that up. Next time, they should bring their A team to the table instead of the D team.
Jokes aside at what point do you stop pointing the finger at everyone else and recognize that you just fucked up?
Indeed. The democrats should recognise their mistakes, and so should the voters. Either one could have stopped this, but they both chose stubbornness.
As out-of-touch as George H.W. Bush looked marveling at the checkout scanner at a supermarket, that’s nothing compared to the people who think American voters by and of large sat down and thoughtfully compared the policy positions of all the candidates, gamed out the implications, and voted accordingly.
How can you say this after the news about the people who didn’t know Biden dropped out until election day? That had never heard of Project 2025? That didn’t know what tariffs are?
Choosing to be ignorant is a form of stubbornness
I don’t think so. That was our future on the line. Though they may have run a more effective social media campaign spinning their fake, populist bullshit stimulating Trump cultists out in Trump country, none of that should have mattered. Regardless of a weak opposing campaign & inflation, we fucked up by not recognizing an existential threat & voting against it anyway. That’s just downright stupid of us.
The number of excuses people are willing to make for Democrats is astounding. I’ve been watching the Republicans obstruct the Democrats for the last sixteen years. Meanwhile, Trump has been in power for a month, and Democrats are fast-tracking his appointments, even when it’s a conspiracy theorist to lead the FBI or an anti-vaxer to head HHS. They’ve given unanimous consent to Trump’s agenda 345 times so far. You should be calling them every day and demanding they act like an actual opposition party, not justifying their collaboration with the fascists. Who knows, maybe if they show voters that they’re actually willing to stand up and fight for something, they might actually win a fucking election.
Why the lies?
Democrats used every second of their allotted talking time to block Gaetz’s confirmation as much as they could while holding a minority. You genuinely need to look up the meaning of the word “unanimous”.
Republicans obstructed democrats for so long by preventing a majority. The American people enabled that by voting them in.
Everything you just said is factually incorrect. Gaetz didn’t even have a confirmation. He gave up the nomination before confirmation hearings could start.
Also, you genuinely need to look up, “unanimous consent.” It’s a procedural method the Senate uses to speed up votes; if just one Democrat refuses to give unanimous consent to a vote, the Senate is forced to take a roll call vote and open the floor up to debate. It’s one of the many procedural hurdles Democrats could be using to block Trump’s agenda if they had the willpower.
I’ll walk that back - I think at some point I mixed up the hearings on RFK and Gaetz, so I gave the wrong name there. I apologize for that.
But even then, for RFK I read articles specifically highlighting the Democrat initiative to hold the floor; and the final vote came out along party lines (excepting some R senators that rebelled). So it sounds like the unanimous consent topic you’re referring to is on regular Senate work, not the confirmation. You specifically said they’ve “fast tracked his appointments” and I’m trying to understand that claim. To me, I’m more convinced that Democrats have political experience telling them that Indivisible’s plan is too easy to backfire, too easy for media to twist against them, and get them forcibly removed from office; especially since their efforts at filibustering have shown they’re not beyond putting in effort.
Given there’s clearly a differing view on what we’re talking about, I’ll apologize for calling you a liar, but it still doesn’t seem like a claim that makes sense to me.
As an old leftist i find that the young American left is hyper focused on punishing politicians based on things that should be, not based on how things are.
Yes it would be nice if the world was like you want it, but it isn’t. Voting the lesser of two evils is just how most of us around the world do it.
But an example is the whole car free/anti car thing, Yes that would work if cities had adequate transit and service, but they don’t, and they won’t in my lifetime. It would be nice but it’s not going to happen, ever. So I may as well just vote for the candidates who fund transit instead of trying to find a candidate who is yelling about being anti car
I voted in Taiwan. I had to take a 1 hour train ride to the American embassy to vote.
Most of the members of Congress are extremely wealthy, Republican and Democrat alike. They’re not doing anything about this coup consolidating capitalist class power because they stand to personally gain from it. They don’t have to pretend to not have the votes to stop yet another grab at working class wallets because they can point at Elon and say “we have no power here.”
There are certain people who never want to hear it, but very few national politicians give a shit about us, certainly not enough to make a difference. They’re in it for personal gain, everything else is performative.
Some of them also don’t want to risk being violently purged by fascists so are bowing down early.
The handful that are actually speaking out are risking being very dead.
Which is fucking terrifying and why I’ve (and others) been screaming that nobody is coming to save us, we have to save each other. Put down the identity stuff for now and rekindle the militant labor movements we used to have in this country. Withholding our labor is the only way out of this - they need us a lot more than we need them.
What a fucking take lmao
“the blacks and the gays getting systemically purged from society doesn’t matter compared to the real stuff, things that personally impact me”
Yes, because that’s obviously what I meant. You totally got the exact right thing out of what I wrote and didn’t read your own bullshit into it at all. You sure got me pegged.
Fucking toad.
I’ve been voting. Doesn’t seem to work.
It only works in aggregate. Like how a drop of water won’t quench anyone’s thirst, but a 20 gallon barrel generally will.
I thought the system was to dump the barrel out at the top of a hill so you can proclaim how much you’re doing for the thirsty person at the bottom.
Trickle down, but for voting too!
Oh, and I guess that’s what Trump literally did with the water in California, except they were different hills altogether.
Thats piss in that barrel, not water. We are not a society thats content to just leave everyone else alone if they arent affecting you.
This is why I hate group projects
One person puts in all the work
Five people don’t
Everyone fails
:) :) :) :) :)
(please kill me)
College in a nutshell. Fuck you steve, thanks for phoning in your part of the final.
One thing I learned early in my academic career was that if I wanted a good grade on a group project it was easier to just do everything myself.
The sooner I can fuck off to the middle of nowhere and not deal with any of you anymore the better.
It only works in aggregate.
It just plain does not work. Study: Congress literally doesn’t care what you think
Are you proposing that the voice of individuals is being represented well against the voice of wealthy donors/business owners? That doesnt seem realistic, right?
Did you not fucking read the article
I read a lot of the “fucking” article (your words). It attempts to disprove a number of studies at once with flimsy analysis. The conclusion of their line of reasoning is that the will of the people is being represented just fine in congress. Seems false on the face of it to any observer of congress’s actions, and the events of the last election. Hence my question. Did YOU read the article.
It attempts to disprove a number of studies at once with flimsy analysis.
… it only rebuts one study, and it does so by citing three others.
So you didn’t read the article. Or even skim it.
The conclusion of their line of reasoning is that the will of the people is being represented just fine in congress.
It’s mitigation.
Show me the part where it mitigated giving the entire government to nazis
Took longer
Not exactly a ringing endorsement.
“This is super important but will ultimately fail and you’ll have to shoot the Nazis anyway.”
mit·i·ga·tion noun
the action of reducing the severity, seriousness, or painfulness of something.
“the emphasis is on the identification and mitigation of pollution”
Are there not Nazis in charge of our government? How was that at all mitigated and not just delayed?
Have you tried the second amendment?
I cant get behind that idea because the logic doesnt check out.
What good is a small antipersonnel device against tyranny thats so well staffed? Seems to me like suicide. Do you figure your neighbors will join you? Seems doubtful to me.
Is taking someone down with you some sort of comfort? If it comes to it, running for your life seems a significantly better option. What are you fighting for, your country? your housing lot? our “way of life”?
that’s that what they call every week, when a mass shooting happens, right?
Boardrooms not classrooms
Obviously you’re transphobic genocide lovers who demand corporate ownership of the meats of production.
(/s obvs)
Good thing you added that /s or else I’d have to get my billionaire sponsors to test out their space lasers on you.
Holy shit, one thousand upvotes!
Thanks guys, I’d like to talk for a moment about something that’s important to me and that’s how to check if you’re registered to vote.
The crowd that didn’t vote for Kamala have mysteriously disappeared from their soapbox and went into hiding…
Hi I voted for Stein
Well least you voted. If only 30 mill more decided to vote even third party it would have shook things up. They didn’t even care enough about country to do that.
I seeing us everywhere. I’m not sure what your talking about
Repeatedly banning people with different viewpoints will do that. You chose to become an echo chamber.
Sorry I’m out of the loop.
Who got banned for different viewpoints?
Look at the modlog for . world, Ctrl f “troll” for the last 6 months.
I’m lazy can you help out and give me one or two examples?
Nope, you guys appointed Hitler again to stop the commies and leftists. Stop being a lazy liberal.
That was a lot of words to say you can’t.
You’re a weird flyingsquid alt.
Horseshit. They got what they wanted and then shut up about it.
Nope, just because you stopped seeing them in your walled garden doesn’t mean they aren’t there. They’re just treating you the same as Trump supporters because they know what side liberals were in in Nazi Germany.
But hey, at least they elected you to represent them in these comment sections! Hope the pay is good. Don’t look like fun to me.
I gotta start saving this exact same comment every time I see it. Still pushing for electoral reform and a dissolution of the two party system on a daily basis. This is the right time to do so right? Now you can’t cry “Oh it’s to close to the election!”
Well, have you pushed to replace First past the post voting in your state so people can be free to vote how they want? Will you be complaining about 3rd party mid term voters after a year and a half of doing nothing to change the mathematically flawed voting system in your state?
I didn’t have to roll out the red carpet for Donald “Israel needs to win and win fast” Trump to push for voting reform.
Every terrible thing we told you would happen is currently happening, so I hope you’re happy for queer Americans and about the fate of Palestine. You got exactly what we told you we would get. I hope you’re comfy on your soapbox, because it’s not comfy for trans people right now. Thanks a lot.
Angry ML shouting incoming
You would be angry as well if you had no representation in government. It must be nice for you to have two conservative parties to choose from.
Why don’t you vote some representatives in then?
I’m so tired of this. Obviously more people need to be more politically active, but there’s a lot of issues occurring that we just don’t talk about enough here.
Being politically active while being a responsible and well-informed voter takes time. The first without the other two is just how you make more Republican voters. When you consider how much a lot of people are working and the other struggles they’re facing it really isn’t surprising that a lot of people are not that informed or active. Let’s also not pretend that one party doesn’t go out of its way to make it more difficult for people to vote either.
Other the other side of the issue there’s a myriad of issues that have made our current democrats less motivated to be an opposition party. Also, let me just point out that a party should never sit back and watch simply because they are not currently in full control of congress at the given moment. The Republicans have led by example on this repeatedly. Even when they aren’t in control they continue to be aggressive, to be disruptive, to keep a media presence. Democrats can do this too. They need to.
This isn’t to say that Democrats are completely to blame. There’s a lot of shitty people in this country and there are people out there that can do a bit more than what they’re doing to support the cause. This is just to say that Democrats share some responsibility and some of the burden here.
Also I just want to put this out there. I know people are scared, people are angry, people are upset, but the blame game isn’t doing anyone any good. It is important to understand what went wrong, but spending all our time pointing fingers is simply wasting energy.
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Even when Democrats are in power, they still don’t do anything hardly at all. I have voted Democrat for a long time now, but what we really need to do is get rid of First Past the Post voting in America, as it would really light a fire under them to be effective or be replaced.