I didn’t see this coming and I think it’s funny, so I decided to post it here.
You know what they say: micro services, macro outages.
At least you can accurately point the finger at who’s responsible
Well during the never sev0 I’m sure the shareholders will be satisfied with that.
gotta keep wirth’s law going strong
Announcing FemtoServices™ - One Packet at a Time!
In an era of bloated bandwidth and endless data streams, today we proudly unveil a groundbreaking approach to networking: FemtoServices™ – Connectivity, one Ethernet packet at a time!
(Not to be confused with our premium product, ParticleServices, which just shoot neutrinos around one by one.)
What’s next? Femtofunctions
You only need two of them, one for
and one for0
Infinitesimal service. It’s effectively no service but it pays better.
Soooooo… Linux with extra steps.
brb deploying each bin from coreutils as a separate aws lambda function
Found the OpenAI employee 🤣
I work in government IT, and AWS is used there too. I prefer working with a team delivering a COBOL data cruncher service, though the build people have it easier when the job is just connecting a source to a sink in AWS
Cant wait to set up a docker container for a service which takes a string input and transforms it into a number as the output. Full logging, its own certificate for encryption of course, 5 page config options and of course documentation. Now, you want to add two numbers together? You got the addition service set up right?
left-pad as a service.
It’s a modern day enterprise fizzbuzz: https://github.com/EnterpriseQualityCoding/FizzBuzzEnterpriseEdition
Oh yeah, this is the stuff business dreams are made of.
I feel like this name addresses the problem of services claiming to be microservices when they’re not.
Does that even happen? cat is micro, sed is micro, systemd isn’t and doesn’t claim to be
I’m trying to understand how this is different than a concept I learned in computer science in the late 80s/early 90s called RPCs (remote procedure calls). My senior project in college used these. Yes I’m old and this was 35 years ago.
Microservice architectures are ad hoc, informally-specified, bug-ridden, slow, implementations of Erlang, implemented by people who think that “actor model” has something to do with Hollywood.
Ok this made me chuckle out loud.
It’s basically the same concept, just implemented with a k8s cluster so you have scale-to-zero capabilities I guess
I was going to write that every function should be a service as sarcasm, then I realized that’s exactly what this article is proposing. Now I’m not even sure how to make a more ridiculous proposal than this.
Why would your whole function be 1 service? That is bad for scalability! Your code is bad and the function will fail 50% of the time half way through anyway. By splitting up the your function in different services, you can scale the first half without having to scale the second half.
It’s probably AI-supported slop.
Yeah, I had been willing to give the author the benefit of the doubt that this was all part of a big joke, until I saw that the rest of their blog postings are also just like this one.
Ah, you’re right
IaaS Instructions as a Service
Want to know if a value is odd? Boy have we got the API for you!
Boy have we got the API for you!
we’ve been using nano-services for the past 6 months or so. Two different reasons. A codebase we absorbed when a different team was dissolved had a bunch of them, all part of AWS AppSync functions. I hate it. It’s incredibly hard to parse and understand what is going on because every single thing is a single function and they all call each other in different ways. Very confusing.
But the second way we implemented ourselves and it’s going very well. We started using AWS Step Functions and it allows building very decoupled systems by piecing together much larger pieces. It’s honestly a joy to use and incredibly easy to debug. Hardest part is testing, but once it’s working it seems very stable. But sometimes you need to do something to transform data to piece together these larger systems. That’s where ‘nano-services’ come in. Essentially they’re just small ruby, python, js lambdas that are stuck into the middle of a step function flow in order to do more complex data transformation to pass it to the next node in the flow. When I say small I mean one of the functions we have is just this
def handler(event:, context:) if event['errorType'] clazz = Object.const_set event['errorType'], Class.new(StandardError) raise clazz.new.exception, event['errorMessage'] end event end
to map a service that doesn’t fail with a 4xx http code to one that does fail with a 4xx http code.
You could argue this is a complete waste of resources, but it allows us to keep using that other service without any modifications. All the other services that depend on that service that maps its own error types can keep working the way they want. And if we ever do update that service and all its dependencies, now ‘fixing’ the workflow is literally as simple as just deleting the node and the ‘nano-service’ to go along with it.
I should note that the article is about the first thing I discussed, the terrible codebase. Please don’t use nano-services like that, it’s literally one of the worst codebases I’ve ever touched and no joke, it’s less than 2 years old.
This looks like hell.
I’m a C/C++ developer though.
You can write your glue nano-service in c/c++ if you want, it’s just that: glue. It doesn’t matter as long as you don’t need to change the original services which also can be written in whatever you want. Ruby, Python, JS just work out of the box with aws lambda and you don’t really have to maintain them or any sort of build infra so it allows for very little maintenance or upkeep cost. You don’t really test these glue lambdas either.
Things won’t be simpler just because you cut everything up in tiny tiny pieces (I mean it will be easier because it solves some surface level problem right now, pushing the real problem down the road), it creates a complexity of its own.
You didn’t read what I wrote at all.
It’s easy to say I didn’t read your message, which I obviously did (why write lies like that?), just because you don’t understand my point.
Because I clearly said that you don’t cut up things into tiny pieces. It was both in the first paragraph in my post and the last one. I said you use tiny functions to glue together larger systems. So yeah you clearly didn’t read what I wrote.
Micro services is already cutting stuff up in small pieces lol.
The opposite us monolithic software.
I’m a C/C++ developer though.
Ya feel good about yourself, slugger? /s
Yeah, I kind of am. Just found a 33% time job so that I can gradually leave software engineering 😁
Sounds like a distributed monad
We already have nanoservices, they’re called functions. If you want a function run on another box, that’s called RPC.
This is just distributed functions, right? This has been a thing for years. AWS Lambda, Azure Functions, GCP Cloud Functions, and so on. Not everything that uses these is built on a distributed functions model but a fuck ton of enterprises have been doing this for years.
deleted by creator
Poe’s law strikes again!
I can’t agree more!