Why does it feel that the evil sides globally are winning. Even evil people are winning. Why?
Well, I’d say it’s because they don’t even hide it anymore. They know they can do whatever they want, and get away with it.
Enshitification is a real thing, and companies and evil people are being blatant about it, because they know they don’t have to hide it because they know they can’t be stopped.
It sucks. I hate it. I wish we could do something about it.
My opinion on this generally boils down to that the system has been set up to reward evil/antisocial behavior, and this part of the system is so entrenched and well established and organized that it has not been effectively and completely toppled or eradicated in so long, it has been able to consolidate power and resources to a point where very few extremely evil people are personally in charge of so much of what happens that it seeps into everything. Actually “seeps” is the wrong word, it’s injected into everything. It’s like has been said many times in recent memory, the cruelty is the point.
For a simplified example, evil executives reward evil behavior by their managers, who in turn punish their employees, who lose control of so much of their lives to these companies and managers that they end up hurting their families and friends out of confusion and anger and other complex emotional reactions, and harm is perpetuated in every area of life.
It’s self sustaining, and even worse it replicates itself. In some ways I think of these systems as viruses. Also as cults. We all buy in to some degree.
There is no ethical consumption while living a capitalist way of life.
Because the return of massive wealth disparity - similar to having kings again - has allowed those with money and power to bend the world in the direction of some form of dictatorship, whether it be fascism, oligarchy, whatever…. The New Kings are carving up society and want to increase control and profit, and an authoritarian governance is the way to do it. Just like how they treat their corporations. They are dictators, the little people are disposable production units to feed their machine.
How did we overthrow Kings again? Something about us becoming ahem “Enlightened” during some sort of era or period? What can we learn from the successes and failures? How did Europeans get ideas of freedom, autonomy, equality, and question of authority from when all they knew about was Kings and Divine Right? Did they perhaps go to some kind of ahem New World with a matchcoat and musket to live and trade amongst the natives for 200 years?! Perhaps there was some sort of ahem Indiginous Critique on European Culture that sorta blew the minds of the French, English, and Dutch alike? Perhaps they wrote some plays about this! That they could disobey or :gasps: impeach their leaders? That pursuasion and reason might be more important? Perhaps over some coffee and pipe tobacco? Oh right, next thing you’d think i’d say is they didn’t trade or so much as look at silver? How they MUST have had a “Market” how else could goods or heirlooms possibly trade hands? Certainly not gifts, quests, or gambling! Jeez, I wonder if we still have something to learn from these ideas that were just too darn complicated for Ben Franklin and Jean Jacque Rousseau!
In some ways, evil is getting the upper hand at the moment, mostly brought on by moderates failing to address basic and fundamental problems forming in society due to being corporate captured.
However, we have a few options at our disposal to fight back:
- Joining and organizing within your local community to create connections with others is incredibly powerful, will make the coming months much more bearable, and lay the ground work for effective resistance.
- We can still effect things drastically with a general strike. This massively impacts their income streams, and can bring the country to its knees if done on a large enough scale.
- Join the IWW and attempt to unionize your workplace, so that the general strike is even more effective.
If we put in the work, we can resist this and we can win. Don’t become paralyzed with doubt and fear, march on and push as much you can. Together we’re strong, separated we are weak. So join up with allies while we still can easily!
Join a union. Most places won’t have IWW.
They’re active branches in most cities, but they can be formed anywhere, even rural areas. If there’s a local union that’ll take you in and isn’t corporate captured (teamsters being an example of corporate captured, IMO), then sure, that can work.
But the IWW is the only union that can unionize any industry, is global in scope, and is grassroots with a revolutionary spirit.
No shit. The IWW is here.
evil people have always been there, but we’re in an era of many crisis’s, it was easier to ignore it when it didn’t personally effect you. Now i imagine in the next 10-20 years it’ll start effecting everyone in ways we’ve yet to imagine. But I don’t think its the end of the world or anything just that its probably time we start considering what we want our futures to look like and start making plans to survive or fight.
Capitalism is dying because of unchecked greed and people are turning to socialism. The wealthy choose fascism. Until we have class unity. Once we bring out the guillotines, They will retreat to spending the rest of their lives in the bunkers they have built with their stolen wealth.
The world has been in a gigantic psychological experiment.
Life isn’t a movie. The good guys rarely win irl.
A combo of “it is in many places” and the press thrives on droomscrolling
Doom sells, it makes money, its also great for missdirection
I’m going to take a different tack on this than other responses: evil is winning because good is dumb.
A lot of progressive groups within the past few decades, whether it be Occupy, Black Lives Matter, or others, can’t seem to actually get their policies enacted on a mass scale. In cases where politicians actually go through with their policies, those progressive groups won’t support those politicians from getting voted out and having the reforms reversed.
Trump got elected, in part, because progressives didn’t want to vote for Genocide Joe and Copmala. Yet, you don’t see progressives building the kinds of political groups needed to wil elections like the right has.
As a progressive, I can tell you that the idea of Genocide Joe and Copmala compared to the antiChrist who wants to eradicate entire peoples…
Yeah, you would have to be an incredibly naive and stupid person to vote for Trump and company.
There were tons of discussions about how a lot of progressives couldn’t bring themselves to vote for Democrats, so they didn’t vote.
I wouldn’t expect them to vote for Trump.
“Those stupid progressives! Why do they not simply have hyperwealthy oligarchs back their movements!”
Why does money beat a progressive message?
Because money can buy newspapers, tv stations, social networks, think tanks, marketing companies, and legislation.
So money can hire people who know how to argue and advertise better? That sounds like a skill issue.
And money only “buys” legislation because it is used for advertising. During its height, the NRA didn’t have to contribute the kind of money that other lobbying organizations did. Why? The NRA had a large membership of people that voted.
So money can hire people who know how to argue and advertise better?
Literally yes. As well as buying airtime and mass publication, politicians, legislation, and policy
That sounds like a skill issue.
Oh never mind, you’re a child. Well could luck winning at your video game. 👍
I have a vested interest in progressives succeeding, but they keep making major missteps them cry and say the other side has more money.
The current strategy isn’t working and there needs to be a deep look as to why it isn’t working.
- The rich take a larger and larger slice of the wealth pie
- Use the money to propagandize to the now more precarious and vulnerable public to bolster their position
- Rinse and repeat
Yeah. People hear the word “billionaire”, but cannot fathom how much their own life would improve if the billionaires captured wealth was out in the world working for them, instead of working against them.
If they remembered when Amazon was still courting new users, because it still had competition, well it’s like that.
I just talked to my superior about the most urgent thing EU countries are facing currently. I should add that he is 100% disabled but studied in CS and reads everything which is interesting to him and his world view.
When I said that social media dictates the discussions and the media, we agreed on the thought after a short period.
And if we could solve this issue we mostlikely would get awarded a noble price.
What I am trying to say: Social media is run by - at least - flawed people. And used by the evil ones to their maximum, putting the honest Ones into a position to explain.
We are loosing our discourse, we are mixing our cultures - or we split at our ethics.
Social media is a cancer with no current treatment. Civilians will be in favor of social media since it also benefits society directly. But we are diminishing other things with it.
Maybe there will be one more brilliant mind educated who may aid us in these times.
You don’t like cultures mixing? I was wondering if you could elaborate on this point.
I don’t even think it’s the people who ruin social media that’s the problem- the fascists and racists and haters were always there. And not even so much that they now have a stage and algorithms
The whole problem is there is no longer anything people agree as worthwhile news. No fairness, no trustworthy. The few remaining objective news outlets are pigeonholed into one partisan side or another, regardless whether they deserve it.
To the common person, there is no news. That social media is it. And every if there were, how could you tell the difference?
I blame Fox News more than streamers because they did at least as much as anyone to destroy News, with clear bias and outrage, and misleading its viewers to blur the distinction between news and news entertainment
IMHO, It’s the algorithm that’s the real devil.
For a long time, it was us against the bots and the companies. But we no longer know what’s being given to us because it matches versus what’s being given to us because they’re paying for it to be seen.
The danger is the algorithm gives us a steady stream of what we appear to want. It’s serotonin. Then it’s weaponized. There’s no appreciable difference between the ads, the propaganda, the creators honest content and the creators paid content. We’re getting echo chambers of what we want and paid advertisements to sure that up.
People see it on Facebook and TikTok and just take it as read that what’s being presented is truth. Even the ones that are savvy to bias end up getting swept along with the tide.
The only way to stop this is to demand disinformation and fact-checking. But instead of that, everyone seems to be hell-bent on knocking out private conversation where we might be able to communicate and are being forced to rely solely on whatever the algorithm allows us.
There’s no appreciable difference between the ads, the propaganda, the creators honest content and the creators paid content.
Well said.
e: oops, double comment
The Algorithm needs to be regulated. (Meaning: Recommendation algorithms should be monitored to make sure that they’re not ‘discovering’ that they can manipulate people with fear, anger and other base negative emotions.)
We already know that the most motivating things for humans is fear and anger/outrage. We also know that these are not healthy emotions for the individual or for society and yet we allow social media algorithms to to maximize engagement using fear and anger.
In addition, it is very hard to craft a message that is both appealing and true. It is much easier to craft a message that is appealing if you can get rid of the Truth constraint.
These are probably the two core issues that are causing us the most strife. Unthinking recommendation algorithms have identified content that stokes base emotions like fear and anger as being the ones that generate the most ‘engagement’; and people, seeking to exploit these algorithms for personal gain (advertisers, political actors, etc), craft messages to maximize their engagement (anger/outrage, fear) while ignoring reality/truth/facts because reality is too hard of a constraint.
The flip side of this is that you see people, who practically live on social media, start to unconsciously adopt the same messaging style because it works even better as people become attuned to the fear and outrage.
So, now you have a feedback loop of people being conditioned by algorithms to be maximally outrageous and those masses of people spontaneously generating memes and social connections that reinforce outrage and fear.
This poison is now spreading into our social institutions and governments. Facts matter less than saying things that are outrageous and valuing the truth is obviously a silly proposition. After all, it’s plainly obvious that it is much harder to get upvotes if you care about the truth…
Try it, go to a community that matches your political leanings and try to correct misinformation. If you’re not banned you will be buried in downvotes because people don’t value the truth as much as they value an entertaining lie.
I wanted to let you know there is an option in your settings so you don’t see upvotes or downvotes.
Lemmy (AFAIK) doesn’t even show you your total upvotes (karma… whatever it’s called) by default either. None of these imaginary points fucking matter.
So why don’t you do yourself a favor and uncheck these boxes and not give a fuck what others think about your comment.
I know I have.
(Lemmy is rad as fuck)
We need more violent good guys
Because it is