The funny grumble my dog makes when he wants me to pet him, and the majestic song of his people my pug can make. Video:
Waves of the ocean washing ashore.
The violin, a muted trumpet, jazz piano, glass harmonica.
The title credits music from the Expanse - Clinton Shorter
Crustation - Purple (Ummah/J Dilla Mix)
Epic choral singing. (Arvo Part - Miserere)
“Mission complete” sound on Space Cadet Pinball
Is a pretty strong contender imo.
Greatest sounding car on the planet.
I actually guessed which car while clicking the link, before anything had loaded. Strange, but I assume that there are many folks that like it.
I mean there aren’t a whole lot of immaculate sounding v10s that you could accidentally mistake it as lol.
Avalanche goal horn
I have misophonia, so that is basically hell to me
I cant even
The sound of a sheet of ice shattering.
–Elton John
I know it’s way too broad and probably very generic of an answer, but music. Cannot live without it since I am pretty much constantly listening to it if I’m not watching a video.
Same. Genre doesn’t matter, just match the mood. I’ve built a library of 250k songs, basically my own Spotify of everything you can think of. I put the Spotify app and plexamp on every device I own, even my work laptop, and have speakers and automation in every room to play Coffee Beats playlists during the day if I don’t have anything specific I want to hear at that moment.
lamentations of the women.
Cat Sounds
A chirping/trilling cat.
Basketball net’s swoosh on a perfect shot going through it.
The click-click-click of a perfectly healthy bicycle hub when slowing down without pedaling. It’s the metaphor sound I use to the feeling of a team working well together: not going to be silent, but you can soundly sleep on it.