Yes, I’ve been discussing it with a neighbor. Storage is the current challenge. We need an old freezer with the coils gutted (snakes love coils, anyone with a boa or python for any length of time and a sofa can tell you!) or something. We’re looking.
Compost helps but you need at least a year to get good compost and you need way more than an individual household can supply.
Yes, I’ve been discussing it with a neighbor. Storage is the current challenge. We need an old freezer with the coils gutted (snakes love coils, anyone with a boa or python for any length of time and a sofa can tell you!) or something. We’re looking.
That’s actually adorable (when it’s not wild/poisonous) and reminds me of how Odo’s quarters had interesting objects he liked to take the form of
I miss my snake.
Once you start growing plants, you’ll have much more compostable material than just the kitchen waste. You can also compost grass and tree leaves.