I remember in my twenties discovering things in old music when I purchased my first good stereo. I have recently started to make new discoveries again with Hi-Res audio files and improving dacs with better headphones.
I remember in my twenties discovering things in old music when I purchased my first good stereo. I have recently started to make new discoveries again with Hi-Res audio files and improving dacs with better headphones.
Listening to most Pink Floyd with a good pair of headphones changed it for me. The music is practically “3D” the way they use the left and right channels.
Yeah, love holophonics, a subset of binaural recording.
The Jimi Hendrix version of All Along the Watchtower is the one that did it for me. I put it on a playlist to walk to work one night with headphones, and it blew my mind. I’d only ever heard it on portable CD players, where the speakers were close together, so had never noticed the effect 🙂