Allies must proceed carefull about sharing or leaking security info to anti-democratic alliances.
FYI:Moscow times reports since years from Europe and is considered reliable.
Allies must proceed carefull about sharing or leaking security info to anti-democratic alliances.
FYI:Moscow times reports since years from Europe and is considered reliable.
MAGA: “I hate Communism, and socialism”
Also MAGA: “Woot! Russia is awesome and is doing great, I wish we could be like Russia”
They DO want to be like modern Russia, earnestly. The national chauvinism, the suppression of LGBT, the violence against women, the kleptocrat oligarchs running the show, the use of the Church as a political tool, the brutal wars of spoils…the list goes on.
One would say Russia during USSR times was “communist” or “socialist” (I’m using quotes because that might still be debatable to some.) But either way, I don’t think you can say that anymore today. Today Russia is run by oligarchs and apparently that’s what these idiots want for the US as well.
Modern russia is a capitalistic authoritarian shithole, though, just what they like. There’s no socialism (and one could even argue whether there ever was any) there.
Russia hasn’t been communist since 1991. An awful lot of people online seem to have missed that memo.
I’ll pay for a MAGA one-way ticket to RUSSIA, contingent if he/she stays over there.
How does this have upvotes? Completely braindead analysis here. Russia hasn’t been communist or socialist for over 30 years!
I hope that mean
Sick leave = vacation time 🤣? Great prank, labor laws!
In point of fact, the Russian Federation is neither communist nor socialist. It’s an authoritarian/fascist state that pays lip service to the appearance of a constitutional republic.