Secretary of State Marco Rubio grew visibly frustrated during an ABC News interview when questioned about the Trump administration’s approach to Russia.
Defending Trump’s push for peace talks with Putin, Rubio insisted negotiations were necessary but admitted the administration didn’t know Russia’s demands.
He clashed with host George Stephanopoulos over Trump’s refusal to call Putin a dictator and the U.S. siding with Russia in a recent UN vote.
Rubio also compared Trump’s handling of Ukraine to Biden’s approach to Israel, further escalating tensions.
Compare the way he talks about Putin with the way he talks about Zelenskyy.
With Putin, we have to see what he wants, we have to try to work with him and understand his position, we can’t do anything that might make him uncomfortable so he doesn’t decide he doesn’t want to talk to us, and his broken agreements are in the past while we need to be moving forward.
On the other hand, he repeatedly states that they’ve “explained this” to Ukraine, that we can’t discuss what they want or what their concerns are, we need to focus on getting peace first, and Zelenskyy is at fault because was disrespectful which apparently we can’t ignore for the sake of peace the way we can ignore a history of Putin violating peace deals.
If they actually meant what they are saying and this was all about diplomacy and achieving peace, they wouldn’t be picking a fight with Ukraine, they wouldn’t be publicly undermining them and trying to coerce them, and they wouldn’t be refusing to acknowledge any of their concerns. These motherfuckers think that it’s a good look for them to be throwing a tantrum about the way Zelenskyy dresses and getting pissy about him not being thankful enough for the way they are so generously pursuing a peace that carves up Ukraine and comes without security of any kind. That’s the way they want to spin this. Because apparently they think acting like thrid grade bullies who try to pick on the smaller kids is admirable, that people will see it and think they look smart and tough.
The only thing I even find remotely believable in this interview is Rubio’s mantra of “I don’t understand.” Just in general I think it’s pretty clear that there’s a hell of a lot he doesn’t understand. Things like human decency, geopolitics, basic negotiation tactics, and parables about riding tigers and giving rides to scorpions. But I think he probably does understand that his position is pure bullshit and that his only job here is to try and tow the line while defending the indefensible. That’s why he got so panicked when a tweet from a fellow republican came up, because his strategy was to avoid details and try to frame the backlash as partisan politics, so he can’t really respond to Republican criticism.
Well said. Username also checks out
While the title is the usual nonsense, the interview is the usual nonsense delivery that the master of deals is going to save the day, when he couldn’t deal his way out of a wet paper bag.
Placating? More like deep throating. The US is gluckglucking Russia and liking it.
“What is wrong with being a peacemaker?” When the bully punches you dont ask him what he wants just punch him back you pussy.
As a European, only the complete collapse of the Russian federation in an acceptable outcome.
Suppose there’s a cockroach colony in a residential building. Separating it into few parts is not going to do much good. If you mean that by collapse - same elites retaining power - then it’s just not good enough.
And if you mean removing them, rich natural resources have proven to be good for those who have them and bad for those who don’t, so no.
Turning it into a real federation or even confederation - yes. Like Germany.
I mean the russian people doing to Putin and the oligarchs what the Libyans did to Gaddafi.
What would be the best way for that to happen? More specifically, how can we pull this off safely?
We have very little historical precedent to go on. The USSR collapsed in 1991. There was some nervousness around what was going to happen with all their nukes. Ultimately, we ended up with Russia, led by Putin.
How would we stop Putin from triggering nuclear retaliation?
If we stop that, how do we make sure some other oligarch doesn’t immediately take his place?
If Russia were to completely collapse, what would happen to Russia? Would we be willing to let China take over? If not would we be willing to maintain an indefinite occupation of Russia?There may be good answers to all of these questions. It seems the more practical solution is to contain Russia. Do you think the EU would be ready to adopt a constitution if it came up again?
The U.S. isn’t placating Putin. The Republican party is. Because they’re traitors.
the administration didn’t know Russia’s demands.
I guess if you don’t want the world to think trump isn’t sucking putins dick every chance he gets then i guess he should just stop sucking putins dick every chance he gets.
Hey hey hey don’t forget you’ve got to allow for all the time trump spends with putins dick up inside his arsehole - gotta be at least a 50/50 split imo
having the intelligence to realize, but not have the balls to speak out to the fact that the Russian Mafia just regulatory captured your country is something to melt down over.
No, TRUmp is placating Putin. He’s got to be a Russian asset.
Stopping any cyber offense/defense towards russia is just straight up treasonous at this point.
Obviously, the US should hack the Kremlin, but if Russia hacks the Pentagon, I will be very mad!!
I am very smart.
Russia has been a constant cybersecurity threat against the other superpowers since the internet has been a thing…
Stop projecting…
And hacking them back solves that? No.
Wow, you’re a genius of counter intelligence it seems.
Please educate us with your vast knowledge!
I did say I was very smart.
Yes, that’s exactly how cyber warfare—and all other kinds of warfare—work.
Its treason, and US own citizen are cheering him on for it. Russia actually won the cold war. Props to Putin for that.
Yeah Biden placated netanyahu. It was bad, but for the lowest of bars, he at least was placating an ally instead of giving a hostile power everything they want and yelling at the ally they invaded
And placating Netanyahu and is better than finishing off that genocide with a nice ethnic cleansing
Yeah, but holy fuck I’m exhausted at the bar being that fucking low
Biden’s approach to Israel
seems absolutely sane by comparison to your boss, there, buddy.
and if you were going to ‘biden’ your support for ukraine, there’d be a non-stop airlift going on with equipment and armaments.
seems absolutely sane by comparison to your boss, there, buddy.
Coming at the Israeli genocide in Gaza and calling it “sane” is one hell of a take.
He called it “sane by comparison”. He didn’t say it was sane. Words mean things.
He called it “sane by comparison”.
It’s genocide. There’s no comparison.
Oh, you’re one of those who can’t distinguish between genocide and super-genocide with golf resorts. I wish the world were as simple as people like you seem to believe.
This really is what people believe.
Oh Mr Rubio, only difference is Israel aipac is funding all of you congreswith bribes do their bidding
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Listening to this guy reminded me of Thank You for Smoking, which is a dark comedy of a tobacco industry spokes person trying to make smoking cool and acceptable again. So much bullshit, so little substance. Marco, we’ve all seen your face during the meeting, bullshitting like this won’t save it.
Screaming on air won’t hide the fact that appeasement never stops aggressors.