The White House has directed the State and Treasury Departments to draft a proposal for lifting some U.S. sanctions on Russia as part of Trump’s effort to restore ties and end the Ukraine war.
The proposal could ease restrictions on select Russian entities and oligarchs, though it’s unclear what the U.S. would receive in return.
Trump has signaled openness to sanctions relief despite previously threatening harsher measures.
Talks between U.S. and Russian officials have intensified, with economic cooperation, including rare earth minerals, emerging as a key topic.
I have nothing against americans, but this is Hitler level bullshit and if americans dont wake up after this (like revolt level wake up), they are no better than today russians orks or past german nazis sympathizer. Until they get their shit together by getting rid of this orange shit pile, americans can just go fuck themselves…
I’m trying hard not to accuse America per se but recognise that this is Trump and his administration being driven by Kremlin interference and direct involvement.
I cannot see the American people putting up with this nightmare but I fear it’s not hitting home as it should.
Ukraine is just a part of a bigger picture where Russia is actively interfering with Western politics, business, governments, elections and referendums with the aim of bringing down the West.
With the traditional USA out of the game Russia will move on to eastern Europe. In the meantime China makes it’s move on Taiwan and others in the region; the Trump USA taking Canada, Greenland, Western Europe; the middle east being carved between Russia and Trump USA.
It’s going to get a lot worse before it gets any better whilst Trump is in power.
I sincerely hope that the military, even red state members, would recognize invading Canada or any of these countries as being a real fucked move and not what they signed up for.
bUt wE hAvE oUr oWn PrObLeMs. tHiS dOeSn’T cOnCeRn Us.
Fucking shameful and depressing. Makes me realize that slogans like “never again” are not at all realistic because they’ll always be idiots who think shit doesn’t concern them, until it does.
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I agree. As an American I didn’t understand how this could happen. However, and this excuses nothing, but read the book “They Thought they were Free,” by Milton Mayer. It explains how normal people were wrapped up in Germany. It was eye opening.
I hadn’t thought of it that way before but I think you nailed it. History won’t care who you voted for.