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The Democrats are a cesspool themselves, but at least they don’t flaunt screwing you over.
Tell that to the kids who visited Pelosi at her office
Battered spouses rarely leave their spouse.
There is simply no comedic value in this comic strip.
its an art form, its call a comic strip but it dont need to be humorous. think about the unexpected masterpiece loss
It’s funny because it’s true.
Inaction is also an action that may determine whose fault it is.
…yeah. It is his fault. Because Donald Trump should be in a dark cell deep under ground. I wholly blame Merick Garland and Joe Biden for the current situation.
Wholly? As in you think Trump is completely innocent?
No, not all, but I think they’re responsible for allowing a criminal and domestic terrorist to be able to retake the office they abused already. They’re wholly responsible for that failure. Trump is guilty of his part, which is why he should be the one in prison. So I guess what I meant is I blame them almost as equally as I do Trump, not wholly.
I knew that Don Orange likes top.
He clearly bottoms for dictators, though
He’s at his bottomest bottom when daddy vladdy is around.
I mean, over half a century of neolibs gutting the small semblance of social democracy we had did this. And Biden was certainly one of those people. It’d just be more accurate to say Trump, Biden, Obama, Bush, Clinton, Bush again, Regan…
Now did you mean for all those words to come out of your mouth in that order, or are you just as surprised and confused as the rest of us?
Oh I must have been confused. I forgot that history doesn’t exist. Everything started with whatever was last on TV. Donald Trump is just randomly the president for no reason. There must not be any reason he has the power to do the things he’s doing. Nope. It’s a mystery. Carry on.
Oh I must have been confused.
It shows.
I forgot that history doesn’t exist.
It’s apparent.
Donald Trump is just randomly the president for no reason.
Being a Russian asset (sock puppet or fanboy… you can pick) … helps considerably.
There must not be any reason he has the power to do the things he’s doing. Nope. It’s a mystery. Carry on.
Legally speaking he doesn’t have the power to do a great deal of what he and his fascist
buyersfriends are doing.Legally the president doesn’t have the power to unilaterally go to war, but that hasn’t stopped them from doing it for the last 70+ years.
Basically ever modern president has grabbed more power for the executive branch without being properly checked by congress or the courts. Combine that with an ever expanding military and surveillance apparatus and it turns out you can do some pretty bad stuff, regardless of the legality.
As for the rest of it, idk man. Clearly you have your rosy view of history where the US was a super great place before the scary Russians came in to corrupt democracy. All I can say is you have more reading to do.
Let’s not mince words here and throw about whataboutisms. We can deal with your hand waving in a second:
Clearly you have your rosy view of history…
I know my history and have no illusions of what this country has done in the past- eugenics, experimentation on its own citizens, interfering with other countries… it’s a list. Surely. But because I know my history I can safely say that it is unprecedented what is being done today.
Only either the truly ignorant or malicious could look at what is occurring and attribute it to standard politics. Let’s be real: we’ve been observing the systematic isolation of the United States from its allies, the undermining of its protections, and attempts to dismantle or weaken it’s defenses… And that’s before we start to look at some of the other heinous shit that is going on.
The scary russians
Let’s not pretend like Russia hasn’t time and again been the aggressor and frequently is willing to cross lines (and borders) to enact it’s will. You might argue the US has some similarities in that… and you’d be right- however; it is a feature of our system that has allowed us to retain some semblance of humanity and good will - despite the rot. I think I speak for most Americans when I say we’d rather not tread further into the realm of dictators and fascists.
Your rhetoric is in line with what is frequently parroted by the willfully ignorant in echo chambers… So which is it: are you seeding the disinformation or a product of it?
It’s not about this being the same. It’s about what has contributed to allow this moment. Regular failures of institutions and vast wealth inequality that has been left undressed by the political system has made for a lot of angry people. Concentration of ownership in media has guided that frustration away from its true causes for the benefit of the rich and powerful. The electoral system is set up to favor conservative results and to squarely shut out left leaning candidates. The various expansions of presidential power and the tools needed to exercise that power has made it easier for someone like Trump to get away with things he theoretically shouldn’t. The courts being slowly corrupted. Etc.
What Russia is doing is besides the point. The US has plenty of it’s own oligarchs to mess with our elections already and we’re definitely messing around in other countries. If they weren’t touching anything, do you think we’d suddenly get some great elections that represent the people?
however; it is a feature of our system that has allowed us to retain some semblance of humanity and good will - despite the rot.
What is a feature of our system? You didn’t specify. As to us maintaining our humanity: We do terrible things regularly, but most people are so disconnected from those actions that they can’t really conceptualize the horror of it enough to care and do something about it. There’s always some excuse that helps them rationalize it. I don’t think most people WANT all the bad stuff. But in the absence of better education and media, it’s really easy to trick people into thinking all of this is actually good or at least not bad enough to do something about it.
… has made it easier for someone like Trump to get away with things he theoretically shouldn’t. The courts being slowly corrupted. Etc.
Trump, may I remind you, installed a number of those judges. Now the list you provided is lengthy and generally most of the talking points brought up when speaking about capitalism corrupting the system. They exist. Those things have nothing to do with the subject at hand however. Let’s keep it in between the lines.
What Russia is doing is besides the point. The US has plenty of it’s own oligarchs to mess with our elections already…
So you believe they should be allowed to install a sock puppet? I believe that was what we were talking about about, was it not?
What is a feature of our system? You didn’t specify.
Sorry I figured someone familiar with our system could interpret that as checks and balances. Something trump is currently trying to break. In what language should I provide your native translation?
It’s not entirely wrong, Trump would probably not be caving his face in if Biden at respected his limitations.
When someone robs your house, you blame the robbers. When the police refuse to do anything about it and you get robbed again by the same person 4 years later, you blame the police.
I blame the robbers for robbing my house and the police for not doing their jobs. I don’t blame the police for robbing my house.
Yeah that’s the point
That’s not how you phrased it, though.
If that was the point, then simply adding “as well” or “too” at the end makes that clear. Without it, it frames it as if the blame is being shifted instead.
When someone robs your house, you blame the robbers. When the police refuse to do anything about it and you get robbed again by the same person 4 years later, you blame the police, too.
I think most people reading it understood that was their point though.
Maybe. Maybe not. Because it’s not explicit, then you’re expecting people to fill in the blank. I’d say there’s more of an argument that most people did not make that assumption.
There’s a lot of “trust the process “ going on from that side atm
You expect me to believe trump can throw a punch?
Yeah it should have been trump hitting the guy with a golf club
Man, how much of a wuss would you have to be to get beat up by Donald Trump?
Not a wuss just “conservative”…
Just “conservative” enough for this…
looks like it happened
He must be a pretty big wuss.
That’s possibly the nicest thing you could call him.
well he did not prevent this from happening in a number of preventable ways.
Well, why didn’t Batman just kill the Joker? He’s had plenty of opportunities…
fuckkk it just like in my comics!!!
Batman can’t kill The Joker because, if he does, the writers can’t bring The Joker back in the next issue for Batman to defeat again.
Presumably, Biden couldn’t prosecute Trump for the same reasons. Dems ran the same Pied Piper Strategy that worked so well in 2016, secure in their ability to defeat someone as easy and vulnerable as The Donald.
Gotta give the people what they want. And what they want is another election with Donald Trump at the top of the ticket.
Because he’s motherfucking fictional. Donald Trump is a real life comic book villain, and he’s also not even 1/100th as smart as the Joker.
Probably owns a portion of Arkham and gets tax payer dividends for each person he sends there.
I agree. he gave him plenty of opportunities but IMHO what we consider justice doesn’t seem to apply to the ultra violent, rich or eccentric.
the end game successes of capitalism are not compatible with democracy.
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