Longer, better version with sound: https://www.youtube.com/watch?app=desktop&v=hK45ZscEolM (thanks to @[email protected] for the link!)
Direct link in case the post doesn’t work as intended: https://i.imgur.com/ZW8rLSM.mp4
I’m locked in. Who needs AI?
They saved money by not using special effects, they just hired a real terminator to do those shots
The sausage steering wheel is pure gold.
I doubt it, that wouldn’t be low budget. I’m betting it’s a real actual sausage.
A masterpiece, I can’t believe it was not nominated for a Oscar.
Very low cost cosplay
Good, I was really worried you weren’t going to be able to afford the lollipop-dropping scene.
Back in my day we called this ‘sweding.’
Be kind, rewind.
Haha when its at the forgery scene with the finger wag and they just play the movie in the background for the background
There’s a low budget version of the first Harry Potter movie in it’s entirety.
Actually got a chuckle out of me when I saw the truck go over the overpass.
Source with audio: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=hK45ZscEolM
Ohhh nice! Thank you for the link ^^
You had me a ‘low budget’ … this brought a tear to my eye … such drama … such dedication … beautiful
Made me smile, much needed these days… :)
*Terminator 2
The first one was pretty low budget in itself.
In high school friends and I made a (terrible) “Very Low Budget Star Wars” sketch. The only gag I remember is that Vader was wheezing because his costume was a black garbage bag over his torso (arms torn through at the sides of the bag) and we didn’t make a hole for his head/breathing.