This is amazing. I have a question though: How come only the author woodpecker can remove the acorns but not other woodpeckers? What kind of ID tech are these guys using?
Since they don’t have fingerprints they ID the pecker.
<slow clap>
They jam the acorn in hard enough that you have to break the acorn to get it out. If they put it in too small a hole, though, it breaks and rots. Too big a hole and they get taken.
EDIT: clearly didn’t read closely enough. PBS says that woodpecker families run security on their stashes. So they basically just attack anybody who tries stealing. So I guess the ID tech is ‘eyes’.
Not only did you just repeat the information already given in the original post, but you didn’t even address the guys question you’re responding to.
ChatGPT is more human-like than I thought.
Woops, you right. Didn’t read carefully enough. I’ll add the answer in an edit.
‘patrols and batons’ classic
Yeah, and then a bear comes and gorges on it. Every year, same bear, same tree, same woodpecker.
Trees going through puberty be like:
Acorn: this hole is meant for me!
Deutsche Democratischen Republik?
Dritte Deutsche Revolution?
Deutschland Dance Revolution?
Dance, Deutsche Republik?
Can’t decide which one is funnier 🤔
Trypophabia ⚠️
Oh, you talking about bot flies?
It’s a fear of looking at things with a lot of holes
They’re implying botfly larvae are similar because they burrow into your skin.
Those vile frogs where the babies hatch out of the back of the mother. Do I have this phobia, or is that also the most unnerving thing YOU’ve ever seen?
How can I unsee this comment?
I wanna touch it
I didn’t even understand what I was seeing and I started shivering instantly. Now feel a deep urge to scrub my skin with steel wool.
TIL I have Trypophobia!
Like most phobias I think most people experience discomfort with this imagery but to really have a phobia it needs to be an unreasonable level of anxiety I think.
IDK why we have a hard wired aversion to these. It might be a vestigial response to some kind of predator or danger which is no longer relevant.
I think it signals severe ailment, like blisters, pox diseases, etc
I think that it disgusts me and makes me extremely uncomfortable. I would avoid it at all costs and I would probably freak out if I wound up unknowingly close to it. It is a weird type of fear. I can’t explain why but my body will insist I stay far the hell away.
These kinds of pictures remind me of some type of weird infection
Gives me feeling of burning the sickness out!
Were you to wake up one day with something like this in the skin of your leg (it can happen), I think you would realize why it can become a phobia 🤣 Also, I hope that never happens!
It looks like spider eggs and eyes.
Woah what a coincidence! Same here!
Shouldn’t this be: A Woodpecker Preparing for Winter? The order of words a in sentence, difference makes.
Yeah, it implies that someone drilled 50,000 holes for acorns for a woodpecker.
Perhaps it’s translated from another language. The whole thing seems a little stilted, so maybe.
Yeah, sounds like a title to a recipe 😆
I stuff my woodpecker’s holes full of acorns before I gobble it up. Doesn’t everyone?
This IS the way. And of course the acorns must me soaked for 24 hours in salt water. Low and slow on the cooking, sous vid at 64C for 14-18 hours is considered ideal when preparing at seal level. Adjustments based on altitude may be necessary at mid-elevations below 2500m, and a definite necessity above that elevation. See attached chart, and citations.
This hole is mine!
“Preparing a woodpecker for winter” 😂😂😂
This is making me feel queasy cos that tree makes me think of skin and the things in it zits.
That’s trypophobia . Don’t Google it though, might come up with a lot of triggering pictures.
Thank you.
Why so many people are complaining and having trypophobia in this thread? Is that very common? I’ve never heard of it before
There’s a study showing about 1 in 6 people have it to some degree, so relatively common. It’s just that the images that trigger it are specific and rare, for me the clustering and the type of holes have to be just right, but if it is, ick
The way I learned about it was someone posted a picture specifically meant to trigger it on 4chan to troll people, and it haunted me enough to look into it.
This is AI?
This is amazing, I had no idea how industrious they are.
Would love to have a wood pecker as a pet, but the last thing I need in my financial situation is another bill.
This is why I got chickens instead of ducks.
i guess woodpeckers don’t get trypophobia
For fucks sake, put a fucking NSFW tag on this shit. I hated it, but for other people it could even be worse.
Your post is bad, and you should feel bad.
Absolutely nuts
Thanks I hate it
Perhaps you suffer from trypophobia.
Shower heads must be a nightmare.
Well i certainly know i do now.
Tree zits