Mine is Gladiator. The Disney Tarzan soundtrack is great too. What are your favorite soundtracks?
Fight Club.
Oh Brother Where Art Thou is a good one.
terminator 2
A few of my favs, in no particular order:
- The Lord of the Rings trilogy
- Tron: Legacy
- Oblivion
- Gladiator
- Star Wars (especially Episode I)
- Interestellar
I was a hipster in high school and I used to have Amelie on my iPod classic. Was such a tiny screen. :)
Pump Up The Volume
The Natural
Gross Pointe Blank
My favourite is
The Secret Life of Walter Mitty is my absolute fav.
Last Samurai is super chill
The crow
Guardians of the Galaxy 1 and Footloose are probably my favorites of all time. It’s really hard to find soundtracks with a better collection of absolutely amazing songs imo.
Velvet Goldmine
Dune (1984)
The Fifth Element
Toto’s Dune score is objectively amazing, and also that one Brian Eno track was perfect. Good pick.