[email protected]
Underage, you will be unbanned when you turn 18 (happy birthday in advance)[email protected]
Underage, you will be unbanned when you turn 18 (happy birthday in advance)
“The law discriminates against and limits the freedom of children, therefore they’re totally justified!”
Yeah ok sure
Wrong way around. The law enforces more protections for children than adults, for which platforms are held to a higher standard.
Specifically, I’m talking about the higher standards for data privacy, user tracking, and content moderation. These are things that are trivial for large companies to implement, but would be a huge hurdle for small teams of unpaid volunteers.
Many people would like you to believe that, the reality is that these laws are designed to keep children away from support networks and just further enforce the idea of parents owning their children. They use these same garbage excuses when talking about children and HRT or puberty blockers, and trying to block trans kids from getting these treatments. They call that “protection” as well.
Things aren’t as they say they are. People aren’t honest about their motives. If that’s new to you, wake up, it’s 2025 people have been lying about the real reasons for decades, it’s not and never has been a new concept.
You make some good points. I agree there are a lot of traditional ideals engrained in our justice system that enforce archaic power structures and perpetuate harm onto vulnerable people. And you’re right, people often use “protecting the children” as an excuse to take more and more rights away from the general populace.
That said, I still don’t think its productive to direct that frustration and anger at a volunteer moderator on a free, nonprofit platform.
I’m glad we agree on the part out our rights being suppressed and taken away, though I don’t agree that they shouldn’t feel the heat from their actions. People who claim to be our allies and support us but capitulate to their own fear of something bad happening and oppressing us, are not real allies, and they need to be held accountable and called out for it.
They aren’t even really doing this for liability they’re doing it out of misguided fear and going above and beyond. They are preemptively choosing to be collaborators. Their choice I guess, but they chose yield to fear, they don’t get to choose not to get heat and callouts for it, and I’m glad people are giving them shit for it.
For real, this type of apologia is downright disgusting.
Just for clarity, are you saying that all rules and regulation which discriminate against young people are inherently bad? e.g. banning them from consuming tobacco, having gambling adverts placed on their shows or being allowed in nightclubs?
Nobody said this… There is clear harm linked to booze what is the clear harm with teenagers using Lemmy… Over let’s say tik tok?!
If you’re looking for someone to say it, you’ve got me here. Banning children from tobacco doesn’t stop them from getting it, banning gambling adverts won’t stop them from doing it (cereal box rewards etc) and usually find their ways into nightclubs with alcohol anyways. The only reason these laws exist are to control and subjugate children, not “for their own good.” Such paternalist thought leads to shit like children marriage and any number of different types of child abuse, cause if your kid doesn’t have any rights, what’s stopping the parent from sending their kids to conversion therapy and misgendering then every day?
Fair enough, I think its a rather bizarre take that we shouldnt try stop people who havent fully developed their reasoning capacities from harming themselves but at least you’re consistent.
Do you think that refusing to acknowledge a child’s gender identity and sending them to conversion therapy is protecting them from harm? If so, tell me. How does the act of having one’s gender identity respected cause harm?
Tell me this because you seem to believe that things like Gender affirmation and access to online spaces, are on the same level as drugs and alcohol, or you’re giving the impression that you do.
The fact that you’re even comparing being on Lemmy or probably also Puberty blockers and HRT to Booze and tobacco shows your motives transparently. Maybe instead of making bad faith comparisons to things that have nothing to do with each other you should actually be thinking of the kids who are hurt by the idea of parents owning kids. Like abused children, or trans kids.
I literally just asked to clarify your position, that you chose to project transphobia onto me from that says more about you than me.
The fact that you are comparing access to spaces like Lemmy to drugs, alcohol, and tobacco says enough about your motives to let me know that any further discussion with you is fruitless. You’re trying to get me to say something that you could claim was implying I support kids taking drugs or alcohol so you could say that the “groomer” (me) supports giving children harmful substances. Ignoring the fact that access to spaces like Lemmy, and access to drugs and alcohol aren’t even remotely similar.