Australia’s chances of escaping America’s global steel and aluminium tariffs appear all but extinguished, with the US president reconfirming his commitment to a comprehensive tariff regime he argues will be “the greatest thing we’ve ever done as a country”.
“We’re going to take in hundreds of billions of dollars in tariffs, and we’re going to become so rich, you’re not going to know where to spend all that money,” Donald Trump told reporters on board Air Force One flying from Florida to Washington DC.
“We’re basically going to take back the money – a lot of the money that we’ve given away over many decades.”
…from ourselves.
Trump still doesn’t understand what tariffs are. You’d think the moron would have Wikipedia’ed tariffs at some point after talking about them for so damn long.
so, he’s gonna put a 10-15% tariff on all imports? everything?
that would do just one thing, get every other country trading ONLY with each other—and NOT the u.s.
I mean, people will still trade with the US, but no exporter is going to eat those tariffs out of the goodness of their heart or fear of the Orange Menace, so prices in the US will go up, likely a bit more than the amount of the tariffs as suddenly volumes are lower and administrative overhead is higher. Then the US economy slows in a way that will not rebound quickly, and investment in the US becomes much less attractive due to low customer buying power and the inability to move goods freely. All of this of course reduces the amount actually collected in tariffs. Reduced economic activity may ultimately have positive knock-on effects for many, but the direct economic impact worldwide, distributed, will definitely be negative.
I don’t see a single way this is good for anyone, aside from those who can directly benefit from access to the levers of power and/or just want to watch the country burn (or at a minimum, smolder).
My theory is he fully understands tariffs, but it’s a convenient way to siphon money off from Americans into a coffer he can steal that doesn’t require the IRS.
it is a grift, he knows his supporters are pretty stupid, that he has stated in the past. and he will probably be selling them something down the line.
He’s never stopped. Bibles, those weird digital fantasy representations of himself, coins…
I love browsing estate auctions. Maybe that makes me a voyeur of sorts, either way, the amount of Trump coins that show up, consistently, since 2021 or so shows how much they’re buying.
What metal (if they even are metal) are they?
I can’t say I pay that much attention after seeing his face on it, gold and or silver colored.
So brass and chrome plated tin.
that sounds kinda cool actually, i just got into thrift shopping. Any good resources for getting started with estate auctions, and do you ever find anything worth the effort? Im a minimalist and just sort of furnishing my place or trading up
… and, he understands that every new tariff threat tanks the US stock market briefly, so he & his masters can sell first, ‘buy the dip’ a day or so later and make quick profits as the market recovers. Blatant manipulation.
… up until it stops being a “dip”. I don’t think these people care about having more. I think they want everyone else to have less.
Yup. And they’re something he controlls, so when a company or country wants to get an exemption to his tarrifs so they can be more competitive they need to grovel.
It’s an extortion racket, mixed with a poor tax, mixed with insider trading. Honestly as far as Trump grifts go, this one is pretty impressive. Just don’t know how long he’ll get away with it before his followers start to feel the pain.
I actually think I know how he plans on “legally” stealing the money for himself too.
Remember that sovereign wealth fund? I would bet dollars to donuts that he is going to funnel the tariff money into that. Then he uses that money to buy crypto, which pumps up the whole market including his coin. Then they sell off some of there crypto assets, rinse and repeat.
I don’t think he even understands how taxes work in all honesty.
How could he understand something he has never even tried to deal with.
Bingo, he’s robbing from the poor to give to himself.
I think he does, he just expects that in 4 years time the US will be booming and the bitter pill at their inception will have passed
He probably should look at the effect of China’s tariffs and trade disputes on Australia.
he only look what he did the first time with soybeans and china. China found a new source of soybeans elsewhere, american soybean farmers never recovered.
That’s the other galling side of this. It’s just so fucking dumb even as a way to “do” capitalism. Yes, theoretically one of the options in the face of tariffs is that an exporter can choose to eat the cost and both the importer and its country “win,” but that presupposes a market with few buyers and exporters with big enough profit margins that they can eat the cost. In reality of course, the exporter will instantly seek out other customers and if none can be found, they might eat some of the costs, but also pivoting their production to (previously) less profitable goods now makes much more sense because of the artificial barrier, and in the extreme case simply shutting down and liquidating assets is better than losing money on every sale. Then of course there are retaliatory tariffs, which work much better than the initial ones because they are targeted and leave the remainder of the global market available to country levying them.
I noticed this phrasing as well. Our government is taking this money from the poorest half of its citizens, and Trump either doesn’t know that or is intentionally clouding the waters for those who still dont know what tariffs are.
When he’s saying “we” he just means himself and his lackeys
Yeah, I have been reading this over and over. This is what happens when a person is imprisoned in an isolated upper class society. He is sick and has no idea that the majority of his own people are already suffering. People are dying because of this horrible man and it won’t stop with those who are deemed others or people across the borders and ocean he absolutely gives zero fucks about. Before too long, it’ll be Americans who will die horribly and the country will reap repercussions for decades to come. I didn’t think I’d live to see America become the enemy, but here we are.
trump and his father did bully one of his brothers to alcoholism for being a pilot. he only knows how to bully people. i think that is one of the reasons why trump doesn’t touch liquor too.
I’m sure he does. But his constituency still doesn’t.
Let’s again quote this from some 2016 article that stuck in my head:
And. They. Still. Don’t. Realize.
My only hope is that right now, his supporters are dwindling. How much though and will it still have an effect come next election and won’t it be too late anyhow…
People need to wake up and realise that there isn’t going to BE a “next election”. At least not a fair one. Trump will win it the same way Putin and Orlov “win”.
The sooner American’s wake the fuck up to this and deal with it in the inevitable way, the sooner the planet can be done with this nightmare.