This will be egg on the administration’s face when they try and walk it back when Russia says “fuck off”.
That entire meeting was zel driving a wedge between Putin and Trump. If that wasn’t obvious when zel said he thought Putin was afraid of Trump then I’m not sure what else would make it obvious.
Now it’s to the point where it’s basically like whoever blinks first is the pussy, think of it like a really dumb petty Cuban missile crisis.
That’s exactly how this was resolved. Ukraine forced trump to show his weakness so now he either has to step up involvement in Ukraine or very visibly cowtow to Putin on the world stage.
I dunno if you keep up with history but that’s quite literally how the Cuban missile crisis ended, in negotiations behind closed doors and I might add with resolutions that weren’t public for iirc about a decade and even then the government didn’t want people to know.
That entire meeting was zel driving a wedge between Putin and Trump. If that wasn’t obvious when zel said he thought Putin was afraid of Trump then I’m not sure what else would make it obvious.
Now it’s to the point where it’s basically like whoever blinks first is the pussy, think of it like a really dumb petty Cuban missile crisis.
Dumb, “petty,” and over a million casualties so far. I don’t recall anyone dying during the Cuban missile crisis.
Not the war, this dumb fucking standoff that Trump just lost.
The Cuban middle crisis was resolved through negotiation and concessions, not by a game of nuclear chicken.
That’s exactly how this was resolved. Ukraine forced trump to show his weakness so now he either has to step up involvement in Ukraine or very visibly cowtow to Putin on the world stage.
I dunno if you keep up with history but that’s quite literally how the Cuban missile crisis ended, in negotiations behind closed doors and I might add with resolutions that weren’t public for iirc about a decade and even then the government didn’t want people to know.