I regret nothing. Say what you want.
Edit: I just saw the two typos. If you find them, you’re welcome to keep them.
Vi came with Ubuntu.
“Me who codes with the text editor that came with Ubuntu”…
Doesn’t it ship with nano these days?
Both, last I checked.
Don’t you have to install that? I thought Ubuntu came with vi and nano.
vi in base Ubuntu isn’t really vi. It’s vim-minimal.
More like gedit
I think gedit is a great text editor.
If you’re not writing it all down on paper and then punching holes in cards, you’re doing it all wrong
Real programmers code with TTL chips.
All you need is a magnetised needle and a steady hand. Or butterflies.
And then there is a colleague who programs in Notepad++ directly on the test server and then just copies his code to prod.
(yes, he works alone on that project)
As long as you don’t use Microsoft Word we can be friends
What about the libre office version?
Bonus points if you’re saving it as an .odt and still producing a validly executable file of some kind
You’re weird, but we can be friends if you want.
if you’ve never used
technically it’s illegal for you to say “it’s a UNIX system, i know this”The irony being that scene had a GUI and ed is, well…
obligatory FSN links
- https://web.archive.org/web/19991009154641/http://www.sgi.com/fun/freeware/3d_navigator.html SGI webpage archive from 1999
- https://github.com/DX94-Quas/3d-file-system-navigator - SGI fsn binaries here, for IRIX versions 5.3 and below
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File_System_Visualizer - 1999 free software rewrite in C
- https://github.com/mcuelenaere/fsv - fork of 1999 version, updated 2018
- https://github.com/jtsiomb/fsnav - 2009 C++ free software rewrite, updated 2021
The person that codes in MS paint
This is such a waste of time to the point where it infuriates me. I know the standard answer is “why not?”, but it’s just cringe to, like you are trying too hard to purposely be stupid, whereas with standard text editor you can say already they cba’ed to install anything so it was a case of initial setup vs. long term productivity.
I can see exactly one use case: context-aware OCR of code.
This feels a little bit like Brainfuck tbh.
For what it’s worth, I can think of one thing that would make brainfuck even worse: Instead of using 8 arbitrary characters (it only uses > < + - . , ] and [ for every instruction) for the coding, use the 8 most common letters of the alphabet. Since it ignores all other characters, all of your comments would need to be done without those 8 letters.
For example, “Hello World” in brainfuck is the following:
If we instead transposed those 8 instructions onto the 8 most common letters of the alphabet, it would look more like this:
One word: ed
Ed is the most user unfriendly text editor ever created.
It is a text editor from the 50s or 60s, so right off the nat you aren’t getting a product you’re at all familiar with. Its been a while since I cracked it open but from memory you can only view one line of code at a time. You have to specify the line of code that you want to view, the commands are esoteric, and there is no help available in the application itself. As I recall it was pretty much immediately replaced with better editors, such as og vi.
Its sort of like programming in
. Sure, you can, but why?From Wikipedia:
Known for its terseness, ed, compatible with teletype terminals like Teletype Model 33, gives almost no visual feedback, and has been called (by Peter H. Salus) “the most user-hostile editor ever created”, even when compared to the contemporary (and notoriously complex) TECO. For example, the message that ed will produce in case of error, and when it wants to make sure the user wishes to quit without saving, is “?”. It does not report the current filename or line number, or even display the results of a change to the text, unless requested. Older versions (c. 1981) did not even ask for confirmation when a quit command was issued without the user saving changes.
Yes, was poking fun at Ed’s only error message being a relatively unhelpful
Oh, I remember ed! He’s the talking horse from that old black and white show, right?
No one can code with a horse, of course. That is of course, unless the horse is the famous mr Ed.
Perfect! Though we shouldn’t give Netflix and co any ideas on more classics to dredge up and ruin.
deleted by creator
deleted by creator
wine notepad.exe
literally me.
Gedit was my main text editor for years. I also used it for work. It has all the basic features that you need for coding. For everything else I use the terminal.
Gedit is all one needs in life
NANO is life.
Nano is fine. But Micro is a worthwhile upgrade: https://micro-editor.github.io/
I started with Pico. ;)
Late 80s. Little kid me got picked up from school but dad still had work to do, so I join him at work. He notices I’m bored. Sits me in front of a terminal to their Unix mainframe, opens up Pico. I type in stuff there, happy as a clam. Good times.
Nano is love.
At uni I did a lot of my Java coursework in notepad, then I’d have to take it into a computer lab on a floppy, tar it and upload it to a unix terminal so it could be emailed to the professor. Java syntax with only the command line compiler is not fun.
I write all my code on paper and use OCR to convert it. It almost works sometimes.
I used Notepad++ for virtually all coding I did (Python, JS, various Markup Languages, Action Script back in the day, etc) for a couple decades. The only reason I use VSCode now is because I inherited a nightmare of a legacy spaghetti bowl and needed the function tracing to attempt to figure out anything. I still prefer N++ for most small projects.
I’m currently working with some code that partly was written in the punch card era.
Yeah, if you had really bad locality of reference I imagine that would be very helpful.