Me being in love with Hellgate: London, Fate (WildTangent), and Warframe be like
Oh man, Hellgate: London. That’s a blast from the past.
I still fire it up from time to time, runs great for me
Did you buy it from steam or you still own a CD copy?
I have the collectors edition on DVD, you put in a retail key and boom, installs super quick on modern machines
All I remember from that was the insanely cool art/concept and memory leaks. Did they fix the memory leaks or do we all just have enough RAM for it to not matter?
I never had the memory leak issue, but it can use a bit over 1 GB of RAM for me at peak, which nowadays isn’t that much.
Hellgate London was such fun, unique hybrid twist on ARPG and looter shooter, I was sad when I heard it was shutdown.
I woulda played it more if I had known it was about to be shutdown. There were some crash bugs and sudden difficulty spikes that made me quit, thinking Id come back to it later. That later never happened.
Yeah it’s a shame the official multiplayer didn’t last long. There’s some fan projects with that but none of them scratched the same itch for me. There were a few patches for the game and they’re still available, but the difficulty spikes are still there, it gets grindy in the last couple sections of the game.
PlanetSide 2 for me, easily 8k hours into that game. Around 5k on my steam account alone.
So sad to see it’s still slowly collapsing, but I’ve not been on since the AU servers shut down years ago and the hackers took over the Asia server.
Ah, I have fond memories of PS2. I slowly stopped playing when I started finding less and less coherent platoons working together. I’d join squads that were spread all over the map. It had so many fun things with it too, but somewhere along the way I started losing interest.
Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts and Sword of the Stars 2.
part of Sword of the stars 2 is even now it sometimes gets so laggy that you can’t finish a game. You just at some point declare that you’ve snowballed enough and can’t be beat anymore.
Hundreds of hours.
Ultimate Admiral Dreadnoughts is at least getting better now that the devs have abandoned it and modders are taking over.
Tarkov. 16k hours. More time than most streamers.
cookie clicker
fucking useless, highly addictive
Have you tried Stimulation?
My eyes started hurting and my phone got very hot.
I have the newest best iPhone and it crashed at the stonk market
This was fun. Then my phone started acting up.
my phones version is about as old as my cousin lol
Oh god, all the clicker games were like fucking methamphetamine to me. I remember there was this ‘city’ clicker one where you built roads, and I straight up played nothing else for three weeks, every moment I could when I wasn’t working. I’m glad I don’t even look in their direction now, because I know I could get sucked back in.
I’m split between Factorio and Dwarf Fortress.
Give Songs of Syx a try. One guy, who developed the game in a shed in Poland so he could get away from his family. You can try the “demo” which is the full game just one version behind. Once he gets tired of developing it he said he’ll make it open source. Think dwarf fortress but you’re capable of having a population of thousands. Oh, and nevermind the race riots or cannibalism.
I went ahead and grabbed the demo and I will give a try, thanks for the info!
Teals of Maj’Eyal. Nothing like a real fucking rouge like
Factorio. Do i need to say more?
Why aren’t you tending to your factory?
My factory is paused. I found Derail Valley Simulator, and have been absolutely loving driving trains
Growing up playing osu! forever scarred my taste in music. Now I have a $300 SDVX controller at home and I need help
Also honorable mention for the 500+ hrs I have in Skyrim (with additional difficulty mods), Slay the Spire, Binding of Issac, …
What’s the deal with osu? I work in a computer shop and see that icon on customer machines all the time but never looked into it.
Get ready for Autistic infodump
Osu (stylized as osu!) is a rhythm game… Developed by an Australian group, wiki says it first released in 2007. Probably by far the most popular rhythm game out there, and probably the only one that can rival DDR (Dance Dance Revolution) and DDR-clones/lookalikes. And unlike DDR which requires a ridiculously expensive setup (a reliable DDR pad would cost close to $1k and is extremely loud) or being a regular at your local Japanese arcade to play, osu can be played by anyone with a PC, a mouse/trackpad, and a lot of hopes & dreams
Osu was inspired by the Nintendo Ouendan series on the NDS; in that game you use the little pen provided by NDS to click circles/drag sliders/etc on the bottom screen; obviously works well with the NDS form factor. The osu team decided to translate this into PC gameplay where you need to control stuff with keyboard/mouse… and somehow it worked quite well!
Since osu is completely free (I believe it is still very much free-to-play, no idea how they monetize), relatively accessible (see counter-example of DDR above), and is a legitimate & very serious rhythm game, I think it quickly gained a sizable and very passionate player base. And unlike lots of other rhythm games where the charts are curated by a company, osu’s charts are created by players & “peer-reviewed” by mods, so there are a LOT of charts, basically any anime/game-related song you could think of is in the game as an approved chart, which further helps grow the popularity. Needless to say it just kept growing from there… I think even back when it was the 2010s and I was playing the game actively, there were already a bunch of community groups, and ppl literally had names for different play styles. I think my style of primarily using mouse but mashing keyboard Z/X key for combos was called the Seiiryu (blue dragon) style or something… I forgot sorry
As for the gameplay itself… Osu’s gameplay is actually quite unique in terms of rhythm games especially back then. Back then the gold standard of rhythm games I believe are DDR and IIDX, both of which are vertical fixed-screen drop-down notes where you have to time the fixed buttons to the notes. Osu on the other hand has dynamic notes where circles fly all over the screen. However, this also means that at higher level gameplay, osu relies less on your “sense of rhythm” and more on… precise mouse movements, almost like an FPS. I think nowadays games like maimai/WACCA/Chrono Circle might be similar to osu’s playstyle. They did add more game modes though; they have a taiko clone, a “catch the fruit” game which is even more unique than their base game, and a djmax/iidx clone.
And… yeah. In short I think osu could be seen as the gateway drug into rhythm games due to it being free, having charts for just about any song you could think of, and having a passionate community. Now that you’ve sunk yourself in the rabbit hole, grab your wallet and pay for that $1000 DDR setup you have always wanted, $2000 maimai ADX controller setup, and mortgage on the suburban single-family home to play it in so you don’t get complaints from neighbors. You know you want it. Do it. DO IT (/s obviously)
I’ve been playing the Monster Hunter series since 2004 and have logged well over 10k hours.
They said bad games
I just spent 20 hours on the demo for the new game roadcraft. I’m just pushing dirt around in a tractor like I’m playing with Tonka trucks back when I was 5. I haven’t really done anything interesting, just leveled dirt. Anyway, ill probably put in another 6 hours today after work.
Deep Rock Galactic is a very good game that doesn’t deserve this slander (except Season 3 which has given me actual nightmares)
Any game where you fight by picking stuff out of menus
I am not sure if I should feel insulted or thankful that I just gained a new perspective.
Outer Worlds. Not exactly a bad game but fell just a tad short of being F:NV spiritual successor.
It’s an amazing game. The sprat rescue…
Is this a personal spiritual successor, or is this there some thread connecting these two games that I’m missing?
They do both rule.
Both made by Obsidian
You could tell what was constraining it was mostly budget. I have high hopes for the sequel.
Space Station 13 on the BYOND client. Someone has a space station 14 play test available on steam right now and I’m desperately trying not to get into it
Oh yeah, SS14 has finally made the game playable with high ping… anddddd has therefore I’ve put like 300 hours into it.
Its really one of the few games that seems to avoid a community of “meta-gaming” or “instrumental play” which sucks all the fun out of a lot of games with huge roleplay potential.