Black hole cosmology suggests that the Milky Way and every other observable galaxy in our universe is contained within a black hole that formed in another, much larger, universe.
The theory challenges many fundamental models of the cosmos, including the idea that the Big Bang was the beginning of the universe.
It also provides the possibility that black holes within our own universe may be the boundaries to other universes, opening up a potential scenario for a multiverse.
Mine blown 🤯
If this is true, this makes sense to me. Right or wrong, I’ve never been comfortable with the idea of infinite, endless space. Like God just existing for all time, never having a start or a stop is a cheap way of admitting we just don’t know, and may never know. Why does “God” and the universe get to be treated differently than everything else? Things come from other things.
I digress. I have often daydreamed that our universe only appears infinite because it’s actually a sphere or a bubble, and what we see as infinite is merely a reflection of our finite space like an infinity mirror would look.
But those ideas are just that: daydreams. If anything, I hope that the scientific and academic communities can keep open minds and not dismiss these radical ideas because it contradicts their religious fervor.
God was created by man. Change my mind.
“God” is what people use to explain the unexplainable. Change my mind.