Finland is named the happiest country in the world for the eighth year in a row, according to the World Happiness Report 2025 published Thursday.

Other Nordic countries are also once again at the top of the happiness rankings in the annual report published by the Wellbeing Research Centre at the University of Oxford. Besides Finland, Denmark, Iceland and Sweden remain the top four and in the same order.

Country rankings were based on answers people give when asked to rate their own lives. The study was done in partnership with the analytics firm Gallup and the UN Sustainable Development Solutions Network.

When it comes to decreasing happiness — or growing unhappiness —the United States has dropped to its lowest-ever position at 24, having previously peaked at 11th place in 2012. The report states that the number of people dining alone in the United States has increased 53% over the past two decades.

Nation Table

    2 days ago

    I dont think you understood my point and to be honest i did wrote it badly.

    If you can, take a step back and think pragmatically.

    On the one side is the experiences that you and your close circle has. So long in your life everybody who has had the opposide opinion have been untrustworthy persons.

    Then the other side. Random person on random forum ranting and telling tales that sound impossible and goes against all of your personal experiences while being agressive and rude.

    Can you see why people wont respond well to you?

    Also about the hs link you provided is behind paywall. Is this the case in question? isint this a victory? Police did wrong and korkeinoinoikeus fixed it. Sure its shitty for it to be a long prosess, but things with law are slow. No way around it.

    About the holding cell incident. I just need some proof other than random picture of something that you say is a holding cell.

    Also legal system and prisons in USA are joke, it way too broad subject to speak in here, but if somebody says their private owned prisons, three strike system, legal slavery and system that does nothing to rehabilate prisoners is better than system in Finland i automatically think that they are either uninformed or stupid.

    Also cannabis should be legal.

      2 days ago

      Fuck right off.

      I he heard that a million times. You refusing to accept reality doesn’t mean I haven’t considered I’m wrong.

      “You and your close circle”

      No. Fucking Finland. More human rights violations than the rest of the Nordics combined.

      You’re just another delusional sääntöhuora who is literally unable to accept reality

      Please give me a version of what happened to that cell which you think is legal and proper.

      You and Kusimulkku are textbook examples of the sickening trait I’m talking about.

      Oh they “fixed it” huh? The cops didn’t get any sanctions at all. I didn’t get even a letter informing me I was right. Had to read it from the papers.

      In the US, where this sort of sääntöhuoraaminen isn’t a natural trait unlike it is for Finns, the whole trial would’ve been mistrialed and I’ve would’ve actually got compensation.

      But no.

      People like you disgust me.

        2 days ago

        Oh. Did your feelings get all hurt and you need to now swear and act like a big boy?

        Grow up and learn to talk like adult and maybe people start listening you.

        Btw that yle link you like to share is from 2009.

        And dont be delutional. In states police has shot people for filming them and you would be in much bigger trouble for cultivating.

        And about that picture. Like most people i dont tend to take random pictures in internet as facts if there is nothing backing it up. Especially if the picture comes from somebody who seem to be as polite and well adjusted as you.

        So far everything what you have said has only enforced my view that people who have problems with law enforcement are criminals who are crying after they have fucked around and found out.

          1 day ago

          See the thing you don’t understand is that I’m not angry I suffered for days. It’s unjust I did, but I rather like new novel experiences and being deprived like that and tortured sure was one. I hated it and it gave me strong PTSD for a few years where I would wake in the middle of the night drenched sweat, hearing a neighbours doorbell ring. That sensitive my nervous system was. For several years. Still is, to an extent. But no, I’m not trying to use my personal experience to justify anything. I’m using it as an example.

          I’m angry because they took away my faith in the Finnish justice system. It was nowhere near the first hit to my faith in it, mut it was definitely the last nail in the coffin.

          And that’s the most insidious part.

          Thats his authoritarianism begins.

          We’ve public trials, but I’ve a hidden recording of a judge forbidding me from recording my own public trial. They’re not allowed to ban that unless it’s like a severe pedophile case or something. Not over speeding or a few grams of weed.

          There’s no ways of explaining what happened than blatant disregard, nay, blatant ignorance of basic humans decency, and actual human rights — by the authorities.

          If you saw a man in the condition I was in, in like the middle of the woods somewhere and didn’t call for an ambulance, you could be charged with a crime. Yet I was “under supervision for my safety” and didn’t get a doctor. While actively bleeding for days.

          If that can happen to me, what else is going on as well?

          2 days ago

          Grow up and learn to talk like adult and maybe people start listening you.

          Please do.

          You’re too naive to actually realise the dangers of being complacent to authoritarianism. Unchecked power grows in corruption.

          “I don’t take random pictures as facts.”

          No, you’re in denial. You don’t want to say I’ve faked the picture, because clearly I haven’t, yet you have no alternative explanation as to how such a thing could happen in Finland. I would not have believed this possible before it was done to me. And I know proper criminals, people who have done time for murder, torture, kidnapping.

          “Fuck around and find out”

          You’re a disgusting piece of shit with no morals. You wouldn’t dare say any of this even on voice-chat with me. I double-dare you. Prove me wrong.

          You think that if the cops mistreated someone, that person must have deserved it, because you are UNABLE to accept that Finland may have systemic, wide corruption. That the Finnish police may not actually follow the rule of the law, as it’s written. I know that it’s hard for someone like you to accept. Which is the exact point.

          In states police has shot people for filming them and you would be in much bigger trouble for cultivating.

          Oh, so it doesn’t matter when our police torture people, because they don’t murder people on the street? You don’t see how pathetically childish of you it is to even pull such an argument up?

          I’ll edit this comment from my phone to add two images. One is my pinky, about a week after I got out. The other is the second image from the cell.

          Just for the tiniest while. Try and use your imagination and imagine what it would feel like to suffer through that. I was detained under the suspicion of a huumausainerikos. That has the maximum punishment of two years, same as speeding. There was very clearly zero conection to any sales, any distribution and it was very clearly personal use. So they had absolutely no reason to change my detainment into an arrest. I had had a nap up to that point, as I was ready to face the fine that I would get, because this is a finable offense (literally no-one goes to prison for a huumausainerikos unless you’ve literally 10 or more of them while on parole), just like speeding.

          I asked why I’m being arrested. They said “we already told you”. I began to ask them over the radio for my lawyer and my rights. They told me “no, they’ve already been explained.” Then they closed off the radio. Then I knocked for a while. Then they came with four officers and took me to isolation “for my safety.”

          I can quote you legislation where it shows that during detainment or arrest you are always allowed to have a physical copy detailing your rights.

          They got mad at me because they’re fascistic little piggies (the guards who do the guarding at the police station are not police officers, but police officer wannabes with uniforms similar otherwise but it reads “vartija”) who got annoyed that I knew more than them. Was I also provocative? You bet your fucking ass I was, but that doesn’t make it any different. If you can’t take a personal offence when you’re a fucking cop, change your job.

          You, however, are just another example of the trait I’m talking about. Finnish emotional stuntedness stemming from pathological avoidance. It’s literally built into the language, I don’t blame you for having it, it would require true self-reflection and understanding of other cultures to get over it. You should try it sometimes.