no, no, they’re all getting sent to cheap megaprisons in venezuela. the americans can’t even run their own foreign-torture-pits anymore. I bet everything in venezuela is going to be industrialized and use prison labor, fucking death of the artisan; i guess ALL labor needs to be de-skilled and fungible now. remember when torturers were SOMEONE in society? like, fuck, remember the first couple pages of ‘discipline and punish’? an entire craft, just dead.
no, no, they’re all getting sent to cheap megaprisons in venezuela. the americans can’t even run their own foreign-torture-pits anymore. I bet everything in venezuela is going to be industrialized and use prison labor, fucking death of the artisan; i guess ALL labor needs to be de-skilled and fungible now. remember when torturers were SOMEONE in society? like, fuck, remember the first couple pages of ‘discipline and punish’? an entire craft, just dead.