I’m Romanian and I recently came across the definition of bangmaid which fits me perfectly, so that’s how my username came to be.
I was here.
I’m left handed
No … is legend
I’ll never forget WWWYZZERDD
The site used to crash my family’s shitty computer.
the american dub of crayon shin chan they called the character ‘action kamen’ ‘action bastard’ instead. i like the ring of action bastard but don’t want profanity in my name so i went with basto.
I don’t know Brum but Shum slaps.
I needed a username to play Hearts online way back. Mashed the keyboard and something close to my username came out. Fixed it up. I’m not Arabic but it’s apparently a nice way of saying “my heart”.
Allamaraine, count to four
Allamaraine, …
Allamaraine, if you can see…
I like cake.
~ lol ~
“Help, I’m drowning!”
Hot Saucerman
Trick Shotterman
Heynong Man
“I don’t know”
It’s a doctor who reference. Bonus points for those that can say which episode.
I was looking as photos of cassowaries, as one does, and thought they looked like an animal no one wants to cuddle, so I’m trying to dispel that myth.
(J/k…don’t try to cuddle them…unless you want a talon to the gut. In that case, do.)
In an Earthdawn lore book it’s the name of a T’skrang (lizard people) river pirate with a flamboyant taste.
I originally migrated here to talk about motorcycles.
The other thing kind of happened by accident.
I once heard the word “purrito” (purr + burrito) in a video, meaning a cat wrapped in a towel like a burrito. My username is the German translation of that: “schnurren” means “to purr” in German. I’m no longer sure why I chose this as a username specifically here… that just crossed my mind when registering here.