There has been no indication that any new NK soldiers have arrived after the initial 12000. That’s ten day’s worth losses or one month worth Russian army size decrease if you take the Russia’s recruitment capacity into account.
When did the NK soldiers come? Four months ago? If so, they have recruited 100 000 to 140 000 Russian soldiers during that time, and the 13 000 NK soldiers are about 10 % atop that number. As they are muchore skilled than Russian soldiers, you’d assume their number is less than the slightly under 10 % you’d otherwise assume.
So, let’s guess about 5 % of the current number are NK losses. Possibly less.
I’m honestly surprised they haven’t pushed for more of them but I guess they can’t maintain their hold on their borders if they sent too many soldiers.
How many of those are From NK or are those numbers not counted?
Not officially as it’s hard to determine the nationality. But it’s a drop in a bucket as NK has seen very limited action in the Kursk region.
There has been no indication that any new NK soldiers have arrived after the initial 12000. That’s ten day’s worth losses or one month worth Russian army size decrease if you take the Russia’s recruitment capacity into account.
When did the NK soldiers come? Four months ago? If so, they have recruited 100 000 to 140 000 Russian soldiers during that time, and the 13 000 NK soldiers are about 10 % atop that number. As they are muchore skilled than Russian soldiers, you’d assume their number is less than the slightly under 10 % you’d otherwise assume.
So, let’s guess about 5 % of the current number are NK losses. Possibly less.
I’m honestly surprised they haven’t pushed for more of them but I guess they can’t maintain their hold on their borders if they sent too many soldiers.