I kinda wish there was a way to get tap water fortified with whatever magnesium it is thats in spring water or failing that magnesium glycinate.
My understanding is magnesium deficiency is a common thing and that lack of it causes several musculo-skeletal and nervous system problems and in general a less relaxed state of being when deficient
San pellegrino would be interesting to look at since it has a good deal of magnesium in its spring water, those lucky bastards got that good stuff on tap😋
Magnesium can cause diarrhea so, as someone with IBS, no fucking thanks.
At what dose?
I’m not sure, and I know it depends both on the severity of a person’s IBS and the type of magnesium supplement. But I drink a ton of water so I’d hate to have it supplemented with magnesium!
Depends on the type of magnesium