I say like and do you know what I mean constantly. Also “I’ve got it”
Sometimes it’s better to be lucky than good.
“Oop, sorry”
Can apply for a variety of situations such as someone accidentally bumping into me, me accidentally bumping into them, or making a little mistake on something. Sometimes I’ll even instinctively say it to inanimate objects that I knock over!
Hi canadian poster!
Haha that’s a new one!
I’m glad you made me think to look up the video. Now I know I’ve been saying this for 11 years, in front of many coworkers and other acquaintances, without any explanation.
“That’s fucky.”
For when I hate or don’t trust something.
Thanks Lenny from Lemmy!
“That’s fair.”
“Santa polenta!”
= saint cornmeal mush
When something annoying or bad happens.
“What day is it?”
If I’m alone I’ll just randomly ask myself now and then.
Nice one :)
¼*⅓ chance of getting it right.
… Does that equal 1/7? My phone doesn’t have a shortcut for it.
Getting it right is the wrong philosophy. As the saying goes, live every day like it’s Monday.
“Bro.” Started saying it ironically and accidentally rewired my brain.
In my native language I always say “[it] is logical” because we don’t have a word or phrase that means “makes sense” and I’m pretty sure literally nobody other than me does this.
Hell yeah, brother!
It’s a service I provide free of charge.
“I’m full of good ideas ;)” as a response to someone using a suggestion of mine and saying it helped.
I started saying it to boost my own confidence, I think. But it’s true!
Keep on truckin
Fuck? Kinda my favourite.
Haha me too fucking love it
I like to say ‘lick dick in the shade’ for some reason