During Tuesday’s hearing, Gabbard told Warner that the Signal thread didn’t share any classified information but refused to share its contents, or even admit that she was on the chain.
“If it’s not classified, share the texts now,” Warner told Gabbard. “Share it with the committee. You can’t have it both ways. These are important jobs. This is our national security.”
Bitch, we can smell the bullshit 500 miles away.
Does anyone find it disgusting that conservatives now AREN’T mad that Obama was incompetently committing mass murder in the Middle East? (Because Trump is now doing the same?)
Personally, and morally, our anger should be towards the people NOT upset at Mass Murder, which as you have explained, isn’t liberals.
To be clear, yes, liberals turned a blind eye to this during Obama. But to your point, they aren’t now. Trump, instead, is murdering without care, and his base is celebrating it.
A blind eye isn’t the same as active support, and MAGA is actively supporting murder. While at worst, liberals still have blinders on.
Personally, I’m not going to spend any time chastising a lesser evil. But many did during our previous elections, which is how Trump got elected both times.
Harris + Isreal being a great recent example. Because no matter how bad Harris was, it’s not Trump turning Gaza into a night club.
What disgusting hate should we throw her way about Gaza now that it’s targeted for demolision by Trump?
At best, it’s wasteful to be so angry at liberals now. At worst, it’s stupid, and will keep the people you should be angry at in power to do worse things more frequently as it has for both of Trumps elections.
I mean hopefully?
That’s not what I’m talking about here. Of course the hypocrisy there is also ridiculous, but that’s not what I’m trying to say. My point is: Liberals seem to have more of a problem with the bad opsec than with the actual mass murder. As if competently murdering brown people in the hundreds is somehow better than incompetently murdering them. This is the reaction of people who are only marginally opposed to mass murder.
My point: the world is slowly becoming overrun by people that are not opposed to mass murder at all.
So why should we spend any effort towards measuring what level we’re each opposed to mass murder, instead of actually opposing it while it’s happening?
It’s wasteful at best, and creates fractures in a needed united front against mass murdering corporate narcissists at worst.
Albeit a valid criticism of libs, it’s not productive towards solving any growing problem in any way. It is punching down on a group that Trump already has his boot on. Yet you’re enjoying the boot, and feel it’s earned, instead of aligning with the people it’s on who you clearly agree more with.
At the rate the US is going, there won’t be many libs left to laugh at once that boot is finished with them.
So I’ll save my criticism of their behavior after I know for sure they’ll still be around to criticize. Until then, anyone under that boot is my ally despite any political differences.
Mostly because I’m mad. I mean this is the Fediverse not a council meeting that will decide the fate of the Free World™, there’s nothing wrong with doing wasteful things. Also since I’m not American I’m not a member of the coalition you’re trying to build anyway.
That united front will never happen. Ideologically committed liberals will always side with fascists against leftists or try to win on their own; it’s just how they’re made. The
GestapoICE will be knocking on your door and they’ll still argue that a UBI is going too far and they can’t support your program. Don’t believe me? Look at what the Dem leadership is doing. Liberals simply don’t consider people to their left allies, but rather threats to their capitalist overlords. Not that that has anything to do with this conversation, but yeah.Huh? I never said anything about any boots being earned.
But I prefer to live a productive life instead of a wasteful one.
Especially when wasting your life involves picking on a currently oppressed group instead of their oppressors. If your anger stems from liberals lack of empathy, you are certainly lacking it towards them now that they’re oppressed.
So if you want to waste your life being an angry hypocrite in this way, I will not stop you, but I will point it out.
And let me know where in the world you’re living if you feel you are currently safe from the Russia fueled right-wing populist hate machine. I’d gladly move there to escape the grip they are tightening on the world.
Especially considering how effectively they dismantled the US, have now weaponized their military (the largest in the world by several factors), and have publicly stated their interest to take over Canada, Greenland, and Panama.
If there’s a safe place on this planet that escapes their grasp, let me know, especially since you already feel:
Seeing as a united front is the only way this ends well for humanity instead of Oligarchs, I guess we’ll have to wait 4 years to find out if you’re just being wasteful, or dangerously naive.
Wow that’s dramatic.
How is criticism a “lack of empathy”?
Egypt and Japan, but I won’t recommend the former. Japan is run by a bunch of conservative fuckwats don’t get me wrong, but they’re Reagan-era fiscal responsibility conservative fuckwats, not ethnostate conservative fuckwats (probably because Japan is already an ethnostate, but likely also because Japan refuses to evolve beyond the 80s).
It’s… not. Right now people will follow whoever promises to do things and then follows through on that promise. If liberals aren’t willing to be that (and they’re not), people will simply abandon liberals, but there must first be someone willing to publicly attack liberals and steal their base. This has happened before (see: 1917 Russia).
You literally admitteded to wanting to be wasteful. So it’s not dramatic to point out that over time, if all you do is wasteful things with your life, then it’s been a wasteful one. That’s how life works.
It’s not your criticism that lacks empathy, it’s your choice in who to criticise.
You’re taking the time to make your opinion public, and that time could be spent doing or saying anything else.
What you choose to say and do, is at the cost of what you could also be doing or saying with your time.
For example:
Libs choose not to say anything about drone strikes when it’s inconvenient.
Their choice to turn a blind eye, is why you feel they lack empathy.
The Right is attacking Democracy worldwide and has succeeded in taking over the US where they have recently enacted policies killing woman (abortion bans), incited LQBTQIA violence and murder, and readily exploit the elderly (antivax BS, removal of social security).
Recent estimates put preventable abortion deaths at 10,000 women a month in Texas alone, not to mention the GOP’s support of actual genocide in Isreal.
All of this, you have choosen to say nothing about. So just like the libs, it appears you’re turning a blind eye to it.
Because If you actually cared about those commiting mass murder, it stands to reason you would choose to express an opinion against the group doing it the most worldwide, instead of the group who has no power to do it any longer.
In choosing to be critical of libs for actions that others are doing worse on a far larger scale is what makes your opinion lack empathy. Because it quite literally could have more empathy if it was directed towards the larger group now doing all the mass murdering.
Libs don’t want to talk about drone strikes killing people (just the “terrorists” that do), and you don’t want to talk about the right killing people (just the “libs” that do).
From where I’m at, you both appear to be the same kind of hypocrite.
Both are already under Russia’s heel. Japan only recently.
Egypt gets 80% of their grain from Russia in exchange for guns. Russia has them by the balls and doesn’t need propaganda to influence their politics:
And Japan is one of the 11 Democracies found to be under attack through targeted election interference in this report:
So the mass murder people already have control of the Egyptian government, and are working on Japan.
And its working because:
This includes voting for people that don’t care about mass murder as long as they follow through on their other promises.
So all together, talking about how much you hate the Right and what they’re doing feels like an opinion you should have and be sharing if you truly cared about those who commit mass murder.
Libs are not in power in the US and very likely won’t have it in the same way ever again.
Do they suck? Yes.
But there’s bigger mass murders now that arguably warrant the same view you have of libs.
So why are you choosing to talk about the libs instead?
From my perspective, it looks like you just want to waste your time being angry at a lesser evil. Which if done over the course of your whole life, will unquestionably waste it.
You seem to have… Interesting… Opinions about stuff (I certainly don’t agree with your ideas about empathy). Unfortunately even I don’t have enough time to waste to respond to all this, so I’ll only respond to this:
So, setting aside how from my position talking about Western politics is already a waste of time, liberalism is not a robust ideology. It doesn’t have concrete offerings for the common person that will get them on your side in the fight against fascism (which does have concrete offerings, though it can’t follow up on them). Therefore, putting them in an equal, or even superior, position in your big tent alliance makes that alliance an ideological lowest common denominator whose messaging will fall flat on the ears of the people, who are hurting and in need of strong leadership. In a battle of ideas, quality will always trump quantity, because with quality comes quantity but quantity will never breed quality. And let’s not even get into how if you leave them be or consider them alies they’ll link up with capital and sweep the rug from under you.
If your idea of empathy (which I still don’t het) prevents you from criticizing liberals (despite how they’re very much willing to criticize you), then you’re gonna have to be more ruthless to beat fascism.
Just to be clear -
It is not your criticism of liberals that lacks empathy, it’s your choice of timing in when to criticize them.
They deserve criticism, unquestionably.
But that criticism made more sense to discuss when it was the late 2000’s and libs were turning a blind eye to mass murder. They clearly aren’t now. So why shit on them as if they are, or ever will be able to again?
In short, modern Libs:
A) Are doing the right thing for once (by kinda being mad about mass murder) B) Not doing as much mass murder as Trump / Russia. C) Might not be around much longer due to Democratic party infighting and Trump working up towards arresting his political rivals.
Which means libs are now:
A) Choosing to be on the right side for once B) Not murdering anyone, and actively fighting Trump / Russia from doing the same. C) Are being openly oppressed.
And all that admittedly, in your very first response, “makes you mad.”
You have now spent days judging them for bullshit they are no longer doing, and haven’t done much of in decades because of Trump.
Which means, simply put:
Your are choosing to express hate towards them, instead of:
If this was 2009, the above wouldn’t be true, and your cticism of libs would be valid and warranting of empathy.
But the above now IS true, which means you are choosing to criticize the libs at the opportunity cost of criticizing those who are now actually doing mass murder.
So frankly, your entire opinion comes off as:
I only care about mass murder when the libs do it.
As that’s all the mass murder you’ve managed to talk about for days despite quite a lot of it being done by worse people now.
Your hate towards libs is clearly more important to you than those now being mass murdered as you only care to talk about one of these things.
If you want empathy, talk about the mudered, who the libs are now actually trying to help, instead of how much you hate them for existing.
Because no offense, the brain washed MAGA in the US blindly hate the libs the same way you do. So if you want to come off as having an opinion worth listening too, maybe have sympathy for the devil now that they’re clearly not as bad as the President that was just elected. Until then, you’re no different than a MAGA influencer blindly hating libs. The only difference is their reasons are made up, and yours are outdated at best.
Hate is addicting. I’ve watched decades of propaganda turn decent people into idiots who hate each other. So if you want to waste your time, I recommend doing it on something that doesn’t make you so angry for no reason. It’s clearly affecting your ability to act with empathy, as you seem to lack any towards libs despite their clear change in behaviour that caused you to hate them in the first place.