itty53 everywhere but twitter.

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Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: June 15th, 2023

  • The irony of people posting on web applications they utilize for their own enjoyment, “applications don’t belong on web browsers” is killing me here.

    There is a portion of the tech industry with their head stuck firmly up their ass and it seems a lot of em hang out in the fediverse. These people would demand we go back to party lines and manual switchboards. Techno-hipsters who are just angry at the next generation who took their BBS internet and actually made the world use it.

    Downvote me, that’s fine. Use that interactivity application on your browser. Go be the very definition of irony. Please.

  • Itty53@kbin.socialtohmmm@lemmy.fmhy.mlhmmm
    1 year ago

    Awh reading is hard.

    You don’t even own a table saw. I bet you’ve never even used one.

    Your opinion on them isn’t near as valuable as that of owners and professionals who use them all the time. It costs you nothing to spread a bad opinion. I’m gonna correct it to help strangers save money. Deal with it.

  • Itty53@kbin.socialtohmmm@lemmy.fmhy.mlhmmm
    1 year ago

    If you feel you need that feature on a table saw, frankly you shouldn’t be operating one at all. Really. There’s no shame in that. I am terrified of lathes and I won’t use em. I understand they’re useful and perfectly safe, but it’s just a personal thing. If you feel that unsafe that you’ll essentially pay an ante every time you want to make a cut? You shouldn’t be using it.

    Fact is that saw stop will cost you a bunch of money over the course of using it for a few years. It will ruin blades to protect… Damp wood. Or a staple, often found on lumber. And then you get to buy another charge for a couple hundred bucks. You’ll do that twice before finally realizing it was just a money sink in the first place and you won’t buy another.

    Go ask twenty table saw owners the question, you’re gonna get twenty identical answers.

  • Itty53@kbin.socialtohmmm@lemmy.fmhy.mlhmmm
    1 year ago

    Does your car have a roll cage? Why not? Parachute breaks? Why not? Five point harness? Why not?

    You can keep adding safety features to your car …why don’t you? Theres your answer. Would you buy a car that’s going to blow the airbag every time you slam the breaks, then refuse to start until you replace it? Nah. It’s a poorly implemented safety feature that’s just making the thing not work. Saw stops are exactly that.

  • Itty53@kbin.socialtohmmm@lemmy.fmhy.mlhmmm
    1 year ago

    I do a lot of woodworking and this is an ongoing debate you can find in most woodworking forums: if you use one of these, you’re much more likely to need it. So all you’re really doing is paying to be lazy and unsafe.

    Fact is you can operate a table saw perfectly safely without a saw stop. Proper use of push blocks, paying attention, and basic safety protocol like “no gloves, no sleeves” and you’ll never hurt yourself using these tools. It just requires discipline.

    Don’t believe me, look at the numbers. In the US there’s about ten million table saws in operation every year and about 3000 injuries annually. Cars have a bigger causality count. They’re perfectly safe tools if you’re using them properly.

  • Just an inbox that forwards to Elon so he can laugh at inquiries. Jokes aside, they moved on this one because she was caught as a fake in big and loud fashion (WaPo) and if Twitter didn’t, they couldn’t keep up any appearance of bipartisanship. WaPo would’ve just beat the drum louder. This way Twitter hardly even has to comment, and they can deny they promoted the account.

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    A fake person affected public opinion by interacting with real people, which is only made possible by society’s current relationship with social media. This was done presumably to incite and rage bait for the opposition and supposedly by an outside nation actor, making this an act of cyber warfare. One of many we’ve seen, and more each day. And guess what? The way you combat that kind of information war is by informing the public, especially that circle of people who actually build these technologies (soooo this sub, pretty much).

    It is absolutely not redundant to call it a technology topic. How society interacts with and is affected by technology is an exceedingly important topic within technology and it’s continued development it we want it to be for the betterment of humanity and not the enslavement of it. Technology isn’t just how the electrons move, that’s literally only a teensy tiny part of it.

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    There you go again, pretending technology only has to do with the next breakthrough. I mean did you read what I wrote? I literally talked about that explicitly.

    Technology is technology. If it’s relevant today then why shouldn’t it be here? If the US was constructing water wheels again all of the sudden it would be a technology topic and relevant to this sub.

    If you don’t like it and you’re leaving, great. There’s the door, what makes you think anyone cares? Or ought to?

  •*Permanently Deleted*
    1 year ago

    It’s the same post. You commented here twice. Which is ironic in hilarious ways. I guess you don’t quite understand this technology…

    Faking a person in the digital world and then using that likeness to affect real world politics has everything to do with technology by the way. We don’t only discuss the bleeding edge of new consumer toys, it’s a pretty broad topic. And politics being the process of how people function together in society … I mean it’s gonna be everywhere.

    If you want to unsubscribe I guess, bye.

  • Actually Prigozhin is arguably waaayyyy worse. Putin is a ruthless warlord just like Prigozhin, yes. They have equally virulent ideologies, yep.

    But Putin is a politician first and Prigozhin is 100% not. Say what you want of Putin but deep down he still gives a shit about projecting certain images of control, law, etc – he still values the opinion of certain international communities. He is still the leader of a government, not just a battalion or an army.

    Prigozhin doesn’t give a shit about any of that, he is a simple and ruthless warlord without any pretense of governance at all, who only understands force and who has no qualms about being open in his toxic ideologies.

    I think it’s extraordinarily unlikely Prigozhin actually accomplishes any of his own goals towards Russia because he isn’t a politician and he’s just a thug, but I also think it’s equally unlikely Putin’s Russia recovers from this. Wagner was Putin’s pitbull. They were virtually the entirety of professional real soldiers Russia had under its command. No more pit bull changes things dramatically. We can easily expect a social “downgrade” of Russia’s status as superpower in the eyes of other nations. That leaves some big doors open for China, India, Pakistan, Iran, Afghanistan, and of course, the United States.

    We may be on the cusp of a second break up of the USSR, further breaking Russia down into disparate nationstates. That possibility offers a lot of problems on its own. It’s no longer a question of “rogue warlord gains control of russian nukes”, now its “russian nukes don’t exist, now those nukes belong to 15 new whatever-istan nations, each without any pre-existing relationships or treaties”. That’s scarier. Doubly so because in that big muck of former Russian states, Wagner could still be around in the middle of it with the biggest dick on the block. He’d predictably go Atilla, march through every one of them and conscript every dude over 16 to fight. And history tells us over and over just how those situations end: global-scale wars. Conqueror types never stop, they just keep conquering until they get stopped.