This is the type of delusion that eventually leads to fascism any way
“Hey don’t try to change anything because obviously only one of two people can win”
“Hey you have to change things from the inside of the party, you can’t just have a third party even though every half decent western government has multiple parties”
“If you don’t want to vote for a genocidal enabler of capitalism and class separation paid for by the same people who pay for trump/hitler, then you’re voting for trump/Hitler”
“You have to bring the super nuts authoritarian fascists into the group, and exclude the actual left wing people who are screaming for basic decency and rights for everyone”
“Oh no how on earth did the crazy right wingers take over the entire country who could have seen this coming? It’s totally not the fault of a governmental party that can’t sort their shit out and take on policies that a majority of it’s constituents want, but instead keeps sliding as far to the right as possible every time they have to move”
I’m pretty sure the people of Rotterdam got pissed and it didn’t happen?