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Cake day: June 23rd, 2024

  • Some of this shit reads like bad action movie plots.

    Death ray plot

    In June 2013, two men from upstate New York were arrested after building a “death ray” x-ray device and plotting to use it against Muslims and other perceived enemies of the US and Israel,[46] including Obama. The men, Glenn Scott Crawford and Eric J. Feight, were arrested by the FBI after a 15-month operation involving FBI agents posing as co-conspirators. A court affidavit described the device as “a mobile, remotely operated, radiation-emitting device capable of killing human targets silently and from a distance with lethal doses of radiation.”[47]

    Crawford, affiliated with the Ku Klux Klan, allegedly had contacted an Albany synagogue and a Jewish organization and asked for their assistance with technology that could be used against Israel’s enemies. Crawford also plotted to kill President Obama with the device. The undercover agents rendered the weapon inoperable to eliminate potential danger to the public. Crawford and Feight were charged with “conspiracy to provide material support to terrorists”.[48][49][50][51][52] In 2015 Crawford was convicted and on December 19, 2016, he was sentenced to 30 years in federal prison. Feight pleaded guilty and was sentenced to 8 years and one month in prison.[53][54]

  • The linked article doesn’t say it was a AR-15 it says assault-style rifle and I would consider the specific model to be splitting hairs, since it hardly matters to the conversation.

    But to be truly pedantic the article a little further down specifies it as an Assault style semi-automatic rifle, so fair enough.

    but to clarify that fully automatic weapons are much more rare, and much more dangerous.

    Agreed. Still, semi-automatic assault style rifles pose a unique danger in that they could be “upgraded” to fire full auto, although it being illegal. Most of those are derived from regular fully automatic weapons and the layout allows them to be converted more easily. For example a SL08 with I think 4 parts switched can be operated like it’s military counterpart, the G36.

  • Seeing him ramble in a video is bad already, but to write his nonsense out makes it so much worse, it’s hilarious.

    I heard the other day – And this isn’t anything, I’m just saying. They’ll say ‘he was rambling.’ I don’t ramble. I’m a really smart guy. You know, I’m really smart. I don’t ramble. But the other day – any time I hit too hard, they say he was rambling. Rambling?

    You know, I get up, and I make a speech, I go for sometimes two hours, two and half hours because, you know, people are waiting outside for three days, four days. You guys were waiting out there for a long time! Front Row Joes are waiting, I don’t know how you guys do it.
    And I feel I have an obligation to speak, and speak in a certain way, and speak a little bit longer. You know, how would you like it, a guy’s waiting with his family for three and a half, four days. They have a tent and the tent is set up. They have hundreds of them, and they wait. And then I walk in, speak for 15 minutes and leave. I don’t know somehow, would that be okay, North Carolina? I don’t think so. Right.
    They want me to speak all day. You know, when I leave – I did one, two hours and 15 minutes and I’m leaving and they’re screaming, no, sir. More. We want to hear more. I can’t, I can’t speak more. What the hell else am I going to say? Our country is going to hell. That’s all I can say. We’re a nation in decline.
    You know, we were talking about that before. My phrases are copied so much, right? I use I use the term, often times in closing, we are a nation in decline. We are a failed nation. And I think it’s a beautiful phrase. Although I don’t like the topic very much, I don’t like what it represents. But there’s a certain beauty. All of a sudden all of these candidates, including Republicans, are saying we are a nation in decline. We are a failing nation. And I say, you know, what the hell do they have to copy me for? Right?
    But they have a lot of words that they copy. Many of our words. We were in the plane before coming in, and our people said we went through a list. I think we’re going to release a list, let’s release it. But so many of our phrases they copy. I should be really, that should be a nice thing, not an insult. But crazy Bernie Sanders has said a lot of things…

  • This would be a good time for German unions to present an initiative.

    German workers protection and union laws are pretty solid, I wouldn’t worry about that too much.

    Several American ventures had a pretty rude awakening after challenging them. Ever wondered why we don’t have Walmart or Uber over here? Ubers activities are very limited in Germany because of worker protection laws and Walmart retreated from the German market over it, among other issues with German culture and law.