You did it! No delivery fee! You’re so lucky!
Oh hey… Unrelated, but let me get $20 in “fees” please.
Really though, congrats on that delivery discount though, you’re really coming out in top, putting me through the ringer, bud!
You did it! No delivery fee! You’re so lucky!
Oh hey… Unrelated, but let me get $20 in “fees” please.
Really though, congrats on that delivery discount though, you’re really coming out in top, putting me through the ringer, bud!
When they fork with your spoon… They push you to consider the knife.
So let’s say this issue is a push… Now how about EVERY OTHER FUCKING THING HAPPENING?
STOP trying to draw a false equivalency between the two paths we had available to us.
That’s not fetterman, fetterman died.
Trump doesn’t mind Elon being the president in the press, because they convinced him this time around that he’s the fully insulated mob boss. Layers of others around him getting their hands dirty, so he claims “oh, I didn’t know that. That’s bad, you should probably arrest whoever did that crime”.
That is if our systems survive them flooding the zone with bullshit and making weak attempts to dismantle them.
My point with Mace is her transition on public stance - she ran in part on a more tolerant, realistic view than most. I don’t remember rowling speaking of any tolerance before she showed herself as a villain - she just went from quiet to loud.
We need to speak more regularly about how these people obviously have kompromat on them and are being actively blackmailed - no sympathy as they are garbage humans regardless, but these changes in stance are so swift and violent. These people often have a history of not caring or even supporting these issues, before they become over the top, performative hate mouthpieces - it’s so obvious that they were basically told by Republican operatives at some point, “you’re gonna do what we say or we are going to fucking end your pleasant life”. Again, no sympathy there because the underlying subtext is that these people do shit horrible enough that they can be blackmailed with it. But this is Mace as recently as 2023:
“I’m pro-transgender rights,” she told CBS News’ The Takeout in May 2023. “I’m pro-LGBTQ.” The Republican lawmaker made the comments while saying she opposed gender-affirming care for minors. “Sex change surgery, the hormone blockers that sterilize our children, we shouldn’t be doing that,” Mace said. “Now, if they want to take on a different pronoun or a different gender identity, or grow their hair out, or wear a dress, or wear pants, or do those things as a minor, those are all things that I think most people would support. Be who you want to be, but don’t make those permanent changes when it’s a child,” she added.
Not a perfect position by any means, but centuries away from what she is today.
And here is after she was first elected in '21:
She was one of the only Republicans to sponsor the Serving Our LGBTQ Veterans Act in 2021, which proposed establishing a Center for LGBTQ Veterans within the Department of Veterans Affairs. That same year, she even called for “transgender equality” while asserting herself as a pro-LGBTQ+ rights lawmaker. “I strongly support LGBTQ rights and equality,” Mace told the Washington Examiner. “No one should be discriminated against.” “It isn’t a black-and-white issue,” Mace added. “I do believe that religious liberty, the First Amendment, gay rights, and transgender equality can all coexist. I’m also a constitutionalist, and we have to ensure anti-discrimination laws don’t violate First Amendment rights or religious freedom.”
Oh, you see, you fucked up like… three words into your comment
I’ve had to unfortunately have some business calls with pharmaceutical orgs in the past (had to have the exploratory calls, but was able to not do business with them) and they still speak with giddy amazement when discussing how ridiculously inflated their profit margin is in the US for the same services in other parts of the world. They are the one’s profiting from it and even they say it’s outrageous!
Not just his country, thiel and sacks’ as well. This is a not so quiet business plot funded by apartheid raised psychopaths that wasn’t too destroy society so they can build over the cleared space - also the reason for the left field Greenland thing. Watch that “dark Gothic maga” video from “blonde politics”.
He has two tricks:
Accepting deal wins that aren’t wins - So a child had two cookies, you took them both, he starts crying, you give him one of the cookies to soothe him and you eat the other in front of him while he laughs and thinks he’s winning. In this examples, trump is the baby.
Or, unseen solutions to imaginary problems or problems he created himself - Covers your house in gasoline, sits in a chair and throws lit matches towards it. Then says loudly, NOBODY IS GONNA BURN THIS HOUSE DOWN, YOU GOT IT! And then waits for you to thank him.
Is it downtowns or state capitols?
Yeah, you can still get something from the odd crank, but used to be much more practically useful for day to day needs.
If you feel any kind of meaningful trustworthiness from a Facebook profile, you’ve probably got some other things to worry about…
What I do have are a very particular set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a nightmare for people like you.
I am able to recite toy commercials and obscure TV theme songs from 90s kids shows with surprising accuracy, many decades past consuming them - Crossfire, Creepy Crawlers, James Bond Jr. Denver the Last Dinosaur… I’m your guy. I don’t watch these things deliberately to learn them and haven’t seen them since organically seeing during childhood, they just start playing in my head on the smallest triggers, music and lyrics, verbatim.
This is what the inside of my head is like, all the time
God… remember how fucking simple craigslist was when it hit it’s peak? The fact that Grandpa could take a shaky flip phone picture and post a thing you needed right around the corner, no fat or other frivolous horseshit…
Craigslist is still simple last I checked, but the user base left and now dominated by spam from retail and drop shippers masquerading as local people selling goods from their garage.
Nothing gold can stay
I don’t actually. Read the last sentence. Try to start from a place of unity instead of division in your replies, friend.
They are feeding all communications from devices into AI right now, both a massive security breach and they are calculating and creating an enemies list. Watch.
Because we’re terrified that society is crumbling, so we try to follow rules to feel some kind of order.