Dealer: (Slaps roof) This one can swallow so many loads.
They have fire alarms in schools, maybe they should have 911 buttons in all rooms too.
The fact that any of this is needed is sad too.
You didn’t try to download it did it, did you?
US Government: Best I can do is a slap on the wrist to the tune of about 0.0000001% of their yearly profits and a hardy, “don’t do that.”
I said I saw, not buy.
It’s 3 hours to the nearest Wegman’s.
Just saw $6.99 eggs today.
For the Emperor!
They should try bribing the Republicans, that’s how you get results.
The way it seems, this will never see the light of day unless it is leaked. Emperor Trump will use his favorite tactic and delay it somehow.
I’ve been swept up by Palworld. I started my own server up for my partner, myself and some of my friends. My partner and I played most of last night waiting for the ball to drop. I may have gone a little overboard trying to breed the perfect Pals.
My partner makes me open these when we get them. They’re so afraid to do it, it’s like a jump scare every time.
I wish they would just switch the spheres for a scroll and mark the summon spot on the ground at point of view with a summoning hex. Also make other scrolls for one off uses for you to use a pal fruit skill.
Also, F Nintendo…
Is there a reason that Internet Archive has to stay in the United States? Can’t they just set up shop in some place like Russia and say FU?
Is spamming this number illegal?
Where I live I have only one real option, the cable company, unless I want 10 mbps DSL or satellite with high ping and data limits.
“The system is working as intended and must be destroyed.”