• 3 Posts
Joined 1 year ago
Cake day: August 11th, 2023


  • In a world where this fake shit didn’t take hold we could have had real wireless charging by now, if you think the “wireless” charging is good now, just think what true wireless would be like. You could walk into a room and your phone just starts charging with 0 effort. None.

    You know this is possible how exactly? Wireless power distribution has been considered since Tesla’s time. Yet it still hasn’t been done outside of laboratory environments or very short distances. It’s definitely possible, but making it practical might not even be possible within physics as we currently understand it.

    For example a very power light beam like for example a laser beam can transfer a lot of power over some distance. It would also cook you, burn you, or make you go blind. It would also require precise alignment between transmitter and receiver, as well as very expensive transmission equipment.

  • People don’t drink because it tastes good. People drink it because they like getting high and alcohol is one of the few legal drugs you can do. People who drink it because it’s the cool thing to do are being idiots.

    If alcohol isn’t your thing you should probably get out there and try other drugs. The good thing about drugs is how many different kinds there are. There really is a substance for almost everyone if you look hard enough. Now if only stuff was legalized and people didn’t abuse it to the nth degree and get themselves in trouble.

    Edit: also forgot to mention that brewing is probably the easiest and cheapest way to make a psychoactive substance known to man, and is an entire hobby people (such as myself) have. While lots of homebrewers spend money on fancy equipment and ingredients you don’t need to spend much at all to make alcohol that will get you drunk it can literally be done using a used plastic bottle and a fucking balloon. You can make pretty drinkable stuff with even fairly basic equipment like a hydrometer, couple of plastic or glass fermenters, yeast + nutrients ordered online, and supermarket ingredients.

  • I am from the UK. This idea of states having an influence over their education system seems weird to me, though I guess we might allow something similar with Scotland, Wales, or Northern Island.

    As I said we really don’t teach handwriting that well. They give kids either ball points or these triangle grip things that are actually designed to increase the force it takes to write. Why? No idea but someone thought that was a good idea to stop people who write too quickly and mess it up. Weirdly that actually helped some people. Even though it makes no sense to me.

    It’s interesting though that you say cursive is more legible for dyslexic people. I think for everyone else print handwriting beats cursive. Not that that’s the issue as it’s still perfectly readable when done right. I am talking about people with typical doctors handwriting who can’t actually write it properly. I am also talking about the difficulty of the technique needed and how that could be a problem for some students. You say teachers adapt but my experience is that they don’t. If making students use cursive improves grades though it might be worth it. I am wondering why that’s the case that it improves grades.

    Either way I think typing should be much more of a focus in modern education. People type more often than they write by hand, yet there is almost no education on how to use a keyboard. Heck lots of modern school students apparently don’t know how to use a computer. I’ve heard of people going to University and not understanding how files and folders work, because it’s just presumed that new generations actually know this stuff without being taught.