Is he trying to make her out to be a Rachel Dolezal type person?
Is he trying to make her out to be a Rachel Dolezal type person?
I do but you had already replied and context is important if an outside reader came along
I meant to write they cant* undo it. They tried already but it didnt work, although there is a repeal effort that has survived some legal challeneges so it will be on the ballot in november, although i doubt it will pass
They did it in alaska very recently and now they can undo it
Can we please just get ranked choice voting
I use an academic definition not a reddit definition
I believe you are misunderstanding a lot of what I am writing. And I don’t think much of your reply to my comment has been constructive or an attempt to retort any of my opinion, just a “lol ur wrong” statement on all of it which in no way proves you right or me wrong. I am not using my own definition of fascism, if you read what I wrote, I am saying that what you are asking me to find in modern chinese society is not a marker of every form of fascism, and to quantify fascism by only those parameters is distracting from every other form of fascism that has been present in history. Its possible to be fascist and communist at the same time, its possible to be fascist and capitalist at the same time.
The militarization of society is not a marker of every form of facism, facism comes in many different flavors. Neither is hierarchization of society, that has existed in all forms social organization including communism, socialism, feudalism, etc. China does have a meritocratic system, exactly like the rest of the world for the most part. Another example of this could be the caste system of India, although I am not as familiar with that as I am with Chinese history and politics, so it is hard for me to make the fascist determination; although it does have the markers. Now for the adoration of the distant past, that is also not a marker of fascism, more so a marker of conservatism, but I will humor you. Have you heard of something called Shen Yun? It is an organization that puts on plays around the western world that focuses on glorifying the past of China prior to communism. It is no longer really supported by the CCP because of political disagreements, but is still a glorification of the past. Come on, dont say that fascism requires anti communism, thats just close minded and anti nuance. You need to look at fascism separately from the economic organizations of society: communism, socialism, capitalism. As for your point on the Uyghurs, if you think that rounding up an ethnic group and putting them in re-education, forced reproduction, and prison camps is not genocide, I dont know what to tell you. There were also hundreds more ethnic groups in China that have been culturally and literally genocided in recent history. We agree that Israels government is organized into a fascist apartheid state, Palestine is under a true attempted genocide. That doesnt mean, though, you should ignore what is happening and has happened in societies that are not strictly capitalist.
Unnecessarily angry reply. If youve taken a course on definitions of fascism youd understand what Im talking about. Quantifying the totality of what defines fascism is incredibly difficult considering the many forms it has taken throughout history. Hitler Naziism did have some social programs but not really enough to look at it from the perspective of left wing politics, therefor it is a majorly right right political movement. The current government of China and Maoism you can argue is both left wing and fascist due to the extremely strong social programs, rejection of western style capitalism, and the various slow genocides against non Han Chinese ethnic groups, such as the Uyghurs.
Anyone who displays the Gadsden flag then votes for Trump is an absolute troglodyte.
Fascists want to ensure working class needs for the right working class people. Fascism is difficult to define, you can argue for it being either a left wing or a right wing ideology depending on the perspective of analysis.
Your false sense of moral and social superiority is sickening. Please look within and understand you are wrong about literally everything you have written today. Its saddening to see someone who in their mind believes everyone else is so below them. I believe you can be better, should be better, its important that you are.
I can tell its hatred because you are patronizing me. “I know you just learned this nice, big word,” wretch.
Are you xenophobic towards everyone or just americans? Are you Agartha’s strongest super soldier?
This man doesnt know that nordic countries also have rural communities
I feel like there is a venn diagram of those two demographics
I hate to say it but the apple type c to 3.5mm jack dongle is actually really good and all you really need. You could go for a balls to the wall dongle setup with a micro DAC that plugs into the phone bit youre starting to get into the placebo effect area of audiphile stuff
Have you tried any IEMs? I know they are wired but I have a pair of moondrop x crinacle dusk 2s that are amazing sound. I do want to upgrade to the new dusk model with the planar drivers but I dont have the free cash atm
Be careful, you dont want to be too common sense or you will be labeled a right wing idealogue. People fail to realize that criminals will find a way every time. They dont care about gun laws any more than any other law. These people would rather bandaid the issue than address what is pushing kids to want to shoot up their peers. Its the video games cause violence argument all over again.