😂 I believed you first time bizzle.
😂 I believed you first time bizzle.
I might not know much about the military other than having lots of ex-military family, but I know enough about flying and in particular, helicopters to know you don’t get to fly that sort of kit without a LOT of hard work and skill. ‘Rotary wing’ pilots are absolutely batshit crazy. This sinister DEI dogwhistle is abhorrent.
Has he even heard of the concept of dignity? How can someone be so loathsome and lack such awareness of it.
I’m seriously considering fairphone or anything similar (if it exists), for my next replacement.
They advertise two versions. One degoogled but £100 more.
How easy is it to just do it yourself? Is it just software?
Same just seen this.
“And all who believed were together and had all things in common. And they were selling their possessions and belongings and distributing the proceeds to all, as any had need. And day by day, attending the temple together and breaking bread in their homes, they received their food with glad and generous hearts, praising God and having favor with all the people. And the Lord added to their number day by day those who were being saved.” Acts 2:44-47 ESV
Sounds pretty radically left to me.
Mars? Elon to be a trillionaire soon then.
I totally work with you
That looks like a brilliant film. Added to the list thanks.
Can’t say the same for sneakers I’m afraid. I reckon the longest lasting shoe of that kind were a pair of Brooks that I maybe got 3 yrs out of.
Edit: or my Vans but I obviously don’t put them through all weathers.
My dad let me into a little secret (which I found out to be fairly common knowledge) about shoes.
Buy Italian, they last longer and the handmade ones can easily be repaired.
My dress shoes have lasted for over 16 years now, and I can’t remember how long I’ve had my Scarpa boots for, I’ve got 3 pairs, and they’re nowhere near wearing out.
Metalheads I’ve known 20yrs ago vs now? Still generally lovely, kind and welcoming people. They can look fierce but I’d go to them in a crisis.
Absolutely. Put the gun away. You got me at nerdy.
What a gorgeous shot. Perfect.
I started in the tech world in a suit and tie as a dev for a blue chip.
As I’ve (begrudgingly) progressed up the shitty ladder, my smart casual has become more casual.
I can’t remember the last time I wore a tie to work.
Not even to an interview.
Maybe there’s some truth in this.
I have to agree here.
You need a sense check on your comms.
Possible Autism or not. You alluded to it in another comment about you possibly being mistaken for AI in your letters.
Sadly, masking may need to be a strategy you play here, for a while.
Also worked in multiple ISPs.
All have had people who care vs not. The smaller ones are where they can make the most end-customer impact and where c-sat metrics were generally higher.
If you share they’ll know it’s there.
Typing that out seems so obvious it’s incredibly stupid, and yet…
What a perfect expression she has in that thumbnail.