It’s well in the shade already.
It’s well in the shade already.
You can transfer the game with a wish scroll.
homeoftheunderdogs used to be awesome in like the year 2001. But now I think it only has either freeware or links to a google searches where the fiiles used to be.
soulseek, yes that is cool , some extreme niches covered on there. That probably is better than napster was in some ways.
yeah, keep backups.
i’ve got some a few old games bought on floppies or cds that are knackered now. A few of them i’ve ended up buying again from gog.
That quiz was way too hard, there were about 3 questions that I couldn’t answer so I just had to guess randomly.
Anyway i got kill bill - so i think i must have guessed wrong. I don’t remeber ever owning a sword, or a yellow jumpsuit; I did have a yellow raincoat once and i have a swiss army knife.
I think Sightseers would have been a better choice. Or fight club if they did a remake without any of the Tyler Durden stuff.
liveusb or vm - try before you don’t buy - especially if you have a tonne of specifoc requirements. distro doesn’t really matter.
In linux i think qemu/kvm is preferred for virtual machines - it’s a bit fiddly, but i think it performs better and fuck oracle.
Thanks, I appreciate that. I paid an independent IT security consultant lot of money to help me come up with it - so I don’t want to have to change it.
Don’t worry I don’t use that for my internet bank: 19513FDC9DA4FB72A4A05EB66917548D3C90FF94D5419E1F2363EEA89DFEE1DD
It’s the points on the licence that really matters for speeding though in my country. When they accumulate enough points they get banned from driving for a period like a year or maybe more.
I hope this applies to meta. I’m pretty sure it doesn’t though.
I’m already locked up in apt hell. I was sentenced to 0.10 minor kernel versions before I get out.
I still have to click separately at login to load wayland-mode in kde version 5.pre-enlightenment - like a massive kloser. Otherwise I’m stuck with a pretty much indistinguishably different user experience.
I hope i dont get fined for
Debian is a joke, it is so far out of date it is unusable for anything except cave-painting or maybe a stone circle.
Ubuntu is way better.
Trying to sell 'owt without becoming a sell-out.
Try a specialist catering supplier. They’re not cheap though.
windows ftw (forced through work) linux btw (because tortuous work)
nope - but the start menu has been dogshit for years now, so I try to avoid start menu as much as possible- I use pinned icons and a few desktop shortcuts.
I mostly use win key fo:
It’s a province in the Netherlands. It’s only \ few hundred km from legoland in Denmark - the dude should get out more - I bet he only goes to the central bit of Old Amsterdam.
bottle brush
I’d try to do tasks with some sort of reasonably objective testing system or I’d go crazy.
If that’s not possible for a task, then minimise the time spent; try to spend a bit more time doing the other type of thing.
I don’t mind doing something artistic as a passtime/hobby. But no way could I do only tasks like that as my sole contribution to society - I’d probably have to do as much drugs as a stereotypical rock-star.