1 month ago@jandoenermann “Always has been”
#Politics #Tech #Movies #Emotions #NSFW #Herpes (you too, probably). Living on Tequesta/Seminole lands
7 #Pfizer, 2 #Novavax #COVID vaxxed/boosted (so far). No conservatives, centrists, libertarians, etc.
I’m trying to be kind, but my love-filled soul is also filled with rage. #WokeAF, imperfectly so.
Avi: Cropped headshot of me, when I was a cute young Black teenager with a 'fro. Header: Sombrero galaxy
The worst person I’ve known, as far as I know; not the worst person that’s ever been.
@jandoenermann “Always has been”
@Bishma “I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue”
🫡, Mr. Abrahams
@MicroWave “Surprise, Surprise, Surprise!”
“Shocked! Shocked!”