I can’t say it better than (TV’s) Frank Conniff:
Kentucky Fried Movie, Airplane!, Police Squad, Top Secret, etc… I mean, come on! All of these projects and more gave us not just laughs, but huge belly laughs. Jim Abrahams was an inspiration to me and I will be forever grateful for all the great comedy he gave us. Rest In Peace.
He should have picked an earlier day to quit sniffing glue.
On a slightly more “serious” note, he made the funniest movies I ever watched in my life, including the best opening scene of any movie ever.
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aJOS7dKuwcQMovies like these made a generation of Germans (like me) admire and want to move to the USA…
He’s probably one of the reasons I was eager to learn English and listened to American Forces Network radio all night long.
But all of that is 30-40 years in the past now…I feel like there’s a good German word for being sad that a funny person died, but I don’t know any German.
He’s just a little horse/hoarse
I’ve of my favorite movies of all time
Surely, you can’t be serious!
La Chocolat moose
I kept reading that as JJ Abrams, and thinking there’s no fucking way he made that many great movies.
Surely the man made a legacy for himself.
He did, but don’t call us Shirley.
What a legendary career
Thanks Jim for giving us this absolutely stupid sense of humour, RIP
Unlike his previous stuff this last prank of his is not funny at all. Sad even. Just proves he’s past his prime.
@Bishma “I picked the wrong week to quit sniffing glue”
🫡, Mr. Abrahams