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Cake day: March 20th, 2024

  • The “weak and strong” thing nazis do with Jewish people has always been one of the most ridiculous square circles imo.

    They’re, apparently, weak, bad, lower, undesirable etc. As such, they should be killed to allow the master race to take charge of everything.

    However, apparently, Jewish people are also in charge of all the banks, all the governments and every institution, other than nazi approved ones, as well as being in charge of everything. Ruling from the shadows.

    However, by their own logic, that would make the Jews the master race.

  • Not surprising, our gut flora love the stuff. My old microbio lecturer used to always get his class to run an experiment where people would test the growth of different types of good bacteria found in the gut using different food sources. Some would be random foods, others would be bio active drink made for the task and, ever present, was porridge (about the same thing). Porridge always won.

    It also has one of, if not the lowest glycemic index of all carbs.

  • Honestly, i think the reason is that just the right amount of alcohol dependency is amazing for capitalism. Dont get me wrong, I’m not judging anyone. I understand and I enjoy a drink myself. I just think we need to be honest with ourselves about it.

    It keeps you consuming and it makes you forget all the bullshit you had to put up with all day. It dulls your your problem solving, your creativity and (most importantly) your empathy, so supervisors, middle managers, department managers and execs are less disinclined not to beat down on those below them.

    I’m not saying its some grand conspiracy. I’m saying, those in power have known exactly the right drugs to administer to the masses in order to placate them. The Romans knew to give wine and not cannabis. The British army knew to give rum & brandy but not weed.

    In fact, all of them were legal. Then, capitalism really took off and, totally unrelated in sure, every drug other than alcohol suddenly became illegal.