• CharlesDarwin@lemmy.world
      5 months ago

      Yes, I should have included that explicit reference in this post, too. I referenced it elsewhere on this thread. I fully expect more states to do this kind of performative lunacy (well, it’s performative on one level, but it’s also about the lobbying I’d wager). I know Florida and Alabama outright banned it (apparently Tennessee was considering it) and that Iowa signed something to prohibit schools from buying it.

      And that’s just lab-grown meat. The nonsense over almond, soy, oat, etc., and whether it can be allowed to be called milk is another.

      And that’s not even getting into the attitudes that prevail even in an age where everyone has the power of Internet search at their fingertips when it comes to nutrition. I cannot tell you how many people get looks of concern when they learn I’m vegetarian - they seem to genuinely believe I’m putting my life at risk (lol) by not consuming massive amounts of meat. Almost always, they proceed to ask how I get my protein (sigh). This level of ignorance cannot be a mere accident, but I do think the tide is slowly, very slowly, turning.

      But in that same conversation if you tell people that even though you are not strictly vegan, you don’t try to “make up” for being vegetarian by consuming toxic amounts of dairy and eggs, again, it’s not uncommon to get lectured by someone with Dunning Kruger’s on how this is not a diet that can sustain health (again, lol).