If Trump wants to find out if Swift can rhyme “orange” then he should absolutely keep attacking her. I’m pretty sure there’s gotta be like three people in the world you could figure it out legitimately, and she could be one of them. Or she could afford to hire someone who could.
If Trump wants to find out if Swift can rhyme “orange” then he should absolutely keep attacking her. I’m pretty sure there’s gotta be like three people in the world you could figure it out legitimately, and she could be one of them. Or she could afford to hire someone who could.
That orange tinge, it makes me a little unhinged; maybe my views are a little fringe but I just don’t like his cringe.
Soon: new Taylor Swift / Eminem single drops
door hinge
A pirate I was meant to be!
Glad to see you’re with us, Eminem.
more cringe
Score minge