On Thursday morning, MSNBC economic analyst Steven Ratner painted a dark picture of what he expects will happen if Donald Trump win's re-election in less the two weeks.Standing before a big display that blared "Trump's Plan Will Crater Economy," the investment analyst claimed voters could find thems...
Trump hasn’t even won yet, and I think we’re all depressed here.
Are you ready for Trump 2028 yet? How about Trump 2032?
Trump 2024 support showed up in my area shortly after Biden won. And he’s just self centered enough to run until he absolutely cannot anymore
Self-centered and desperate for cash. His supporters think he’s a successful businessman, and it’s true because his business is taking supporters’ money. Win or lose, he can never stop campaigning.
If Trump wins, there is plenty of evidence he’ll tamper with government agencies slowly so who knows what will happen. He’d likely try to extend the term to 5 years, or start a civil war and then claim it’s war time
Why extend the term to five years when he can have his cronies reverse the term limit amendment and then win every year like Putin does with 99% support?
I will be frankly shocked if his spawn don’t try to create a political dynasty. I don’t want them to, to be clear, but they are a clan of grifters, and this is the most successful scam he and they have ever been involved in.
There’s zero chance they don’t try, but I do t think they will be as successful
“Cannot run” will probably be 2028 with the way he’s degrading fast right now
I’ve been depressed since Bush Jr. son, get on my level.
It’s the Ancient Régime, back from never been gone.