…US congresswoman Maria Elvira Salazar said she was “disgusted” by the “racist comment”. She said it did not "reflect the GOP values""…
You sure about that Maria?
I knew there was a reason i hated Tony Hinchcliff
Bold move to throw that insult in a city with the highest concentration of Puerto Ricans in the country (and also vote Republican).
Florida has a pile of shit lying in the middle of it, can you guess it’s name?
Disneyworld is pretty famous. Who can’t guess this?
I don’t know what the fuck my uncle Ron did to you, but you leave him out of this.
I guess there are multiple acceptable answers to that question
Madison Square Garden, near the heart of the city, is one of the most famous venues in the world and capable of seating about 20,000. …. New York - viewed by some as a curious choice for the final week of campaigning - is a solid blue state and will not be decisive in the race for the White House.
It’s because it has enough people in its vicinity that support him and could come to fill a 20k person venue. He needed a big rally, but there’s literally nowhere else he can go to do it.
Elvira surprised the leopards ate her face
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When you make a joke “that’s actually funny” about us Latinos, we laugh our ass of and love you. We like getting ribbed. But when your “jokes” are just offensive to us and not even funny (the most offensive part), it’s not really up to you to decide if your joke was offensive and people have no sense of humor, it’s up to the people you’re offending.
It wasn’t even a joke, it was his views thinly veiled with humor.
As Mediaite reported, Hinchcliffe, pointing to a Black man in the audience, “went with what seemed like an off-the-cuff ‘joke.’”
“That’s cool," he said, "a Black guy with a thing on his head. What the hell is that, a lamp shade? Look at this guy! Oh, my goodness. Wow! I’m just kidding, that’s one of my buddies. We had a Halloween party last night. We had fun — we carved watermelons together. It was awesome!”
Hyuk hyuk
Calling him a comedian is being overly generous.
He’s garbage.
Tony made a career out of inviting amateur comedians to the stage to make fun of them. He also made a career out of deciphering the ever changing flavor of Joe Rogan’s penis.
I could be wrong, but I think the AP Style guidelines say that the word “comedian” should be in quotes when referring to a GOP “comedian”.
Maybe I am wrong, but they should say that.
What a tool. Someone may actually Cancel Tony. He deserves it and it would actually be hilarious.
You know… Part of me would totally believe that nobody even vetted him before booking or even asked to review the show he was going to do the night of the rally. Especially with the knowledge that some moron on his team booked the Four Seasons years ago without realizing that it was a landscaping company.
The rest of me knows these people are all pieces of shit and don’t care.
Nah. Some nazi fuck heard his act and told Gröpenführer he’s perfect for an opening act.
I’m dead. R.I.P. me.
I always assumed they planned to be at the hotel but didn’t book in advance of announcing and got denied permission. But maybe what you’re suggesting is what happened?
His routine was loaded into the teleprompter. It was explicitly approved.
They did realize they weren’t actually booking the Four Seasons.
But they had publicly announced a rally at the Four Seasons before actually bothering to book.And when they were turned down by the hotel, they scrambled to find a location with the same name to hide that fact.
It reflected how drumps government operated. Announced it then tried to work out how to do it.
Had he made these jokes anywhere else - like on stage at a dive bar, like normal - I wouldn’t care. But he did this set at a MAGA rally. Whether or not he was “just joking” is completely irrelevant. If I teleport back to 1933, speak at a Hitler rally and make jokes about Jews liking money, it doesn’t matter what my heart contains or if I have Jewish friends or enjoy Jewish cuisine or if I don’t have an anti-Semitic bone in my body. This is a package deal, not an individual comic’s shitty set.
Either Tony is a genuine scumbag racist MAGA cunt, or he’s just a stupid, thoughtless, imbecilic cretin who hasn’t got the willpower to turn down a stage of this magnitude regardless of the ramifications. Maybe a little of both. In either case, he’s a tedious tone-deaf dickhead.
I would still care if he said this in a club. It’s not even funny, it’s just racist. If it was funny we’d laugh but it’s just lazy and offensive
Same feeling I’ve been having.
He’s always been a cretin so whatever else is on top of that. Cretin is his foundation.
Someone needs to remind her that the GOP died when MAGA took over. I think the history books will show this period as the change from GOP to MAGA…
What a “wonderful” time to be alive… :/
Living through this, I sometimes forget that there will be a historical view. Would the “Tea Party movement” be considered the proto-MAGA?
Absolutely. We can thank the fucking Koch brothers for that nonsense… That shit got way out of control. :/
If that was our goal we’d only have to thank one of them. The other is dead. /s
I’ve followed politics for twenty years, this absoltuly reflects GOP values.