Green politicians from across Europe on Friday called on U.S. Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein to withdraw from the race for the White House and endorse Democrat Kamala Harris instead.
“We are clear that Kamala Harris is the only candidate who can block Donald Trump and his anti-democratic, authoritarian policies from the White House,” Green parties from countries including Germany, France, Denmark, Italy, the Netherlands, Ireland, Estonia, Belgium, Spain, Poland and Ukraine said in a statement, which was shared with POLITICO ahead of publication
Remember when abortion was legal?
Still is federally
This is how unaware and/or uneducated some people are. It’s been over two years since federal protection was removed.
And people like this are voting. Given licenses to drive. Reproducing. Totally oblivious.
What? It is federally legal, it is just some states have bans. Contrast that with something like weed where its federally illegal but some states say they won’t prosecute.
That’s news to a lot of women’s corpses in Alabama, Georgia, and Texas
I don’t think it is?
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Sounds like a alabama, Georgia, texas issue. Easily handled by the people in those states. Just like it has been in every other state. Harris isnt even the solution for abortion nationally, she even admitted this; she wouldn’t do anything differently than biden. Congressional dems are.
Learn to properly focus your energy.
Except, I’m reasonably happy with what Biden’s done in his term. Especially when one considers what a second Trump term would be.
agreed, its too bad harris is fumbling the ball on such minor issues too, like labor rights and genocide. 🤷 no one to blame but herself.
“why don’t those people just immediately and magically fix their problems?” -this guy
I swear, some people should not be allowed to reproduce. Understand nothing, but the first to speak up and argue.
All I said was that at the federal level abortion still is legal(which it is), and you just went on a tirade against me…
lol, says the person ignoring the literal mountains of evidence saying an abortion ballot measure will pass literally in any state. it literally passed in kansas. Now if you want such a bill elect congress critters that will pass it. harris is immaterial until that happens. for some reason I doubt trump would veto such a bill; not because he said it but because he doesn’t generally care about shit unless it impacts him personally. But given congress has avoided passing such a bill in the past color me doubtful it will now. what else will they run on if not abortion and not trump? looks at harris’ policies
frankly if abortion is your defining reason to vote for harris well shrug that makes you a single issue voter and I thought they were bad? but maybe I’m fairly indifferent since my state already has enshrined abortions as law and I can’t solve all the worlds issues. especially the ones that are easily resolved at the ballot box.
so again, trump is an abomination, and learn to focus your efforts. harris isn’t some magic solution to americas problems. I’ll be over here getting ranked choice in my state.
I’m sorry, let me just elect representatives in a different state, brb.
If it was so simple, explain why it has taken so many state governments so long to do something about it? It’s almost like it’s way more complicated than you make it out to be. My state has abortion on the ballot this time around - I don’t expect it to pass. In addition, the state wants to make my harder for citizens to get further measures on the ballot. It’s like lots of us are working against the awful bodies of government. Imagine that. Land of the free, mmmmhm.
Also lmfao, yes, mmhm, absolutely, I’m a single-issue voter. Honey, I’m gay as fuck, the day a baby pops out of my partners asshole because I knocked them up, the day I’m the fuck outta here. It’s almost like people with a broad worldview can have multiple issues they care about or something, and - stay with me here - they don’t need to be a member of an affected class to want to help them improve their lives and well-being. Crazy, right?
The loudest people don’t have a damn clue what the hell they are arguing about, they just want to hear themselves speaking louder than others. “I got mine, suckers, ez pz” energy is strong with this one. It’s okay though, they are getting ranked-choice… aaaaaaaaany day now… (it’s okay, it’s ez pz)
I have sympathy for your plight, but your efforts are better spent getting people in your state to pass the law than relying on Democrats nationally to do the right thing.
Harris’ is not the solution ™ to your problem. The president is not responsible for passing legislation. Stop relying on blue states and fix yours. I know it’s hard.
Look how hard you are fighting against someone who generally is just trying to get the US to stop arming a genocide? Can you imagine how annoyingly stupid this feels to be discussing? Murder bad mmmmkay? Everyone else: ‘its fine bigger issues to fry trump!’ i suspect you can.
Now put it in perspective: if you cant get your state to support abortion what makes you think we’ll get the nation to? In order to get it passed nationally you need to get the support locally.
You clearly have trauma and need help, sadly putting your hopes in kamala isnt going to solve your issues. I assure you if they havent been fixed by biden’s admin they wont be fixed by her being elected. Here are the conditions you’ll need to see movement:
Guess how all of those happen? By focusing your efforts not on kamala but on your local elections.
Learn to focus your energy stop fighting me and get off your ass locally. My lesser evil is fucking voting 3rd party because kamala is a pos candidate relative to my state. she’s 100% going to win here. So why are you wasting my and your time/energy you clearly gave more important shit to do.
You sound like someone who would have questioned the need for ending segregation because it “Sounds like a [Spanish Word For Black] problem to me!”
mmmmmm; probably would have been shot in the war fighting against it more honestly. let me know when harris can single handedly pass abortion rights on her own that the discussion can go somewhere. as I said the fastest route to protecting access is via state legislatures. hence why what 8 states have it on the ballot this year? would I prefer it federally? sure. sadly for you all my reps already support such a position and I doubt trump would block it if the bill passed. but since such a bill won’t pass congress shrug.
Its not a compelling reason by itself to vote for harris; since you know… she can’t single handedly make it happen.
She can appoint Supreme Court Justices that can re-instate Roe V. Wade
Voting for Harris means voting for a blue congress assuming you voted down ballot - This woman was murdered because of people with your kind of “Not my problem attitude”
You say you’d have been shot fighting against segregation, but you can only say this with hindsight having lived in a world where you were already told it was wrong. Judging by your current actions, if segregation was already the status quo you’d just say that black people should solve their own problems despite the fact that attempts for “Colored-Only Areas” as they were called back then to create a “Black Wallstreet” were met with white police officers burning down “Black Wallstreet”
Jesus havent seen someone be so wrong all month and ive been dealing with genocidal asses all year.
My reps already support the things you’re asking for. Harris is literally the greater evil in my state because trump isnt even on the radar. Ive done all i can for you. 🤷. You at least still currently have a vote. Pray Harris’ horrible campaigning hasnt put that at risk.
You dont like what im telling you because its hard. But if you want the things you claim to want you have to put the effort in.
You dont get to rely on me. not because I don’t want those things for you and others, but because im not in your area to help you carry the burden and short of an armed insurgency for you my state is maxed out on the support it can offer, though we do export a lot of blue babies to other states…
No its neutral federally which is to say it is neither legal or illegal.
Anything that is not illegal is legal. Federally abortion is not illegal.
this excuse again ? talk to some women in real life ? they don’t want this cause insulted by even comparing it to butchering of all the women and children by our money ? what choice they had on getting aborted by idf ?
did she got a choice ?
or them ?